Next: Tangent to the impulse
Up: Rosales and Biondi: PS-ADCIG
Previous: Conclusions and Future work
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In this part, we obtain the relation to transform subsurface offset-domain
common-image gathers into angle-domain common-image gathers for the
case of PS data.
To perform this derivation, we use the geometry in Figure
in order to obtain the parametric equations for migration on a constant
velocity medium.
Following the derivation of Fomel (1996) and
Fomel and Prucha (1999),
and applying simple trigonometry and geometry to Figure
we obtain parametric equations for migrating an impulse recorded at time tD,
midpoint mD and surface offset hD as follows:
angles2 Figure 9 Parametric formulation of the
impulse response.
|  |
|  |
| |
| (14) |
where the total path length is:
|  |
| (15) |
From that system of equations, Biondi (2005) shows that the total path length is
|  |
(16) |
Appendix A shows that we can rewrite system (14) as:
|  |
| |
| (17) |
follow the same definition as in equation (3).
L in terms of the angles
|  |
(18) |