Next: Regularizing over offset
Up: Adjoint Implementation
Previous: Implementation
The methodology was applied on a 3-D marine dataset from the North Sea.
The output model space was limited to , ny of equation 2
was set to the entire hy range, and nx was set to 1.
Figure shows five CMP gathers from a
relatively simple geologic portion of the dataset.
The overall result is satisfactory and event continuity is
quite good.
Note the brightening and dimming as a function of offset
in the lower portion of the second and third panels. The
correction factor, equation (5) does not
sufficiently emulate the inverse Hessian to remove
all of acquisition artifacts.
Figure 1 Five CMP gathers from the regularized
dataset. Note the overall smoothness of the result.
Next: Regularizing over offset
Up: Adjoint Implementation
Previous: Implementation
Stanford Exploration Project