Next: Review of Inverse Interpolation
Up: Brown: Irregular data dip
Previous: Introduction
illustrates a simplified conceptual model of
seismic data. Given two traces, we assume that a seismic event passes through
each trace location at times t1 and t2, and that the event takes the
form of a plane in the neighborhood of the two traces.
Imagine that we wanted to measure t2-t1, given the local dip of the plane,
px and py. The total time shift is simply the sum of the time shifts
along the x and y planes, going first from x1 to x2 and then from
y1 to y2. We can write an equation directly:
t2-t1 = px(x2-x1) + py(y2-y1)
(1) |
However, in actuality we do not know px and py, but using Claerbout's
puck method, we can measure t2-t1. Implemented on a computer, the puck method
computes the time shift (in pixels) between two traces that optimally aligns a
seismic event on the two traces as a function of time. In other words, the
method measures
|  |
(2) |
is the time sampling of the traces. We can now rewrite
equation accordingly:
|  |
(3) |
Equation (3) describes the linear relationship between the computer
dip measured between traces 2 and 1, p21, and the local 3-D reflector dip.
We require two equations to obtain a unique estimate of the parameters, but the
noise and incoherency inherent to real data make it desirable to use more than
two traces and exploit the statistical ``smoothing'' of least-squares estimation.
If trace 1 is the ``master'' trace and traces 2 through n its neighbors, let
us define the forward modeling operator
| ![\begin{displaymath}
\bold A =
\frac{x_2 - x_1}{\De...
...}{\Delta t} & \frac{y_n - y_1}{\Delta t}
\right]\end{displaymath}](img5.gif) |
(4) |
and the data vector
| ![\begin{displaymath}
\bold d =
p_{21} \\ p_{31} \\ \vdots \\ p_{n1}
\end{array} \right].\end{displaymath}](img7.gif) |
(5) |
The estimated px and py at trace location 1 are then the solution to the
normal equations:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
p_x \\ p_y
\end{array} \right] = \left( \bold A^T \bold A \right)^{-1} \bold A^T \bold d\end{displaymath}](img8.gif) |
(6) |
Inversion of the
is trivial. The result
of the process is a pair of dip measurements (px and py) at each trace
location. These dip measurements must be interpolated to fill the entire model
grid. In this paper, I use an expanding-window smoothing algorithm to
accomplish the task. If reflectors are continuous, their dips should be
somewhat smooth in space, so to some extent, spatial smoothing is justified.
Next: Review of Inverse Interpolation
Up: Brown: Irregular data dip
Previous: Introduction
Stanford Exploration Project