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Inverse non-stationary convolution and combination

As with the stationary convolution described above, formulae for non-stationary recursive inverse convolution and combination follow simply by rearranging the equations in ([*]) and ([*]). Similarly, their adjoints can be obtained by rearranging the equations in ([*]) and ([*]). The recursive formulae describing these inverse processes are given in Table 1.

Table A.1: Recursive formulae for non-stationary (NS) inverse operators.
Inverse NS convolution: $x_k = y_k - \sum_{i=1}^{\min(N_a-1, k-1)} a_{i,(k-i)} \; x_{k-i}$ ((120))
Inverse NS combination: $x_k = y_k - \sum_{i=1}^{\min(N_a-1, k-1)} a_{i,k} \; x_{k-i}$ ((121))
Adjoint inverse NS convolution: $y_k = x_k - \sum_{i=1}^{\min(N_a-1, N-1-k)} a'_{i,k} \; y_{k+i}$ ((122))
Adjoint inverse NS combination: $y_k = x_k - \sum_{i=1}^{\min(N_a-1, N-1-k)} a'_{i,(k+i)} \; y_{k+i}$ ((123))

As with the stationary inverse convolution described above, it is apparent that subject to numerical errors, non-stationary inverse filtering with these equations in Table 1 is the exact, analytic inverse of non-stationary filtering with the corresponding forward operator described in equations ([*]) through ([*]): they are true inverse processes. If operator ${\bf A}$ represents filtering with a non-stationary causal-filter, and ${\bf B}$ represents recursive inverse filtering with the same filter then

{\bf A} {\bf B} = {\bf B} {\bf A} = {\bf I} 
\hspace{0.5in} ...
{\bf A}' {\bf B}' = {\bf B}' {\bf A}' = {\bf I}.\end{displaymath}

The nhelicon module Claerbout (1998a) implements the non-stationary combination operator/adjoint pair, described by equations ([*]) and ([*]), while npolydiv implements the corresponding inverse operators, described by equations (A.10) and (A.12).

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