Next: Shot continuation
Up: Tests
Previous: Constant-velocity synthetic
Similarly to the case of 3-D plane-wave destruction, where the
regularization operator is constructed from two orthogonal
two-dimensional filters, 3-D differential offset continuation amounts
to applying two differential filters, operating on the in-line and
cross-line projections of the offset and midpoint coordinates. The
corresponding system of differential equations has the form
|  |
(132) |
where y1 and y2 correspond to the in-line and cross-line
midpoint coordinates, and h1 and h2 correspond to the in-line
and cross-line offsets. The projection approach is justified in the
theory of azimuth moveout Biondi et al. (1998); Fomel and Biondi (1995b).
The result of a 3-D data regularization test is shown in
. The input data cube corresponds to the one in
. I used neighboring offsets in the in-line
and cross-line directions and the differential 3-D offset continuation
to reconstruct the empty traces. Although the reconstruction appears
less accurate than the plane-wave regularization result of
, it successfully fulfills the following
- The input traces are well hidden in the interpolation result. It
is impossible to distinguish between input and interpolated traces.
- The main structural features are restored without using any
assumptions about structural continuity in the midpoint domain. Only
the physical offset continuity is used.
The lower accuracy of the result in Figure
comparison with Figure
is partially caused by using
a simplified missing data interpolation scheme instead of a more
accurate regularization approach. It also indicates a possibility of
combining offset continuation with midpoint-space plane-wave
destruction for achieving an optimal accuracy.
Figure 37 3-D data regularization test.
Top: input data, the result of binning in a 50 by 50 meters offset
window. Bottom: regularization output. Data from neighboring offset
bins in the in-line and cross-line directions were used to
reconstruct missing traces.
In the next section, I return to the 2-D case to consider an
important problem of shot gather interpolation.
Next: Shot continuation
Up: Tests
Previous: Constant-velocity synthetic
Stanford Exploration Project