Next: Regularization example
Up: Regularizing smooth data with
Previous: Mathematical theory of splines
In the one-dimensional case, one finite-difference representation of
the squared Laplacian is as a centered 5-point filter with
coefficients (1,-4,6,-4,1). On the same grid, the Laplacian operator
can be approximated to the same order of accuracy with the filter
(1/12,-4/3,5/2,-4/3,1/12). Combining the two filters in accordance
with equation (
) and performing a spectral factorization
with one of the standard methods
Claerbout (1976, 1992), we can obtain a
3-point minimum-phase filter suitable for inverse filtering.
shows a family of one-dimensional minimum-phase
filters for different values of the parameter
demonstrates the interpolation results obtained
with these filters on a simple one-dimensional synthetic. As expected,
a small tension value (
) produces a smooth
interpolation, but creates artificial oscillations in the
unconstrained regions around sharp changes in the gradient. The value
leads to linear interpolation with no extraneous
inflections but with discontinuous derivatives. Intermediate values of
allow us to achieve a compromise: a smooth surface with
constrained oscillations.
Figure 1 One-dimensional minimum-phase
filters for different values of the tension parameter . The
filters range from the second derivative for to the first
derivative for . |
|  |
Figure 2 Interpolating a simple
one-dimensional synthetic with recursive filter preconditioning for
different values of the tension parameter
. The input data are
shown on the top. The interpolation results range from a natural
cubic spline interpolation for
to linear interpolation for
To design the corresponding filters in two dimensions, I define the
finite-difference representation of operator (
) on a
5-by-5 stencil. The filter coefficients are chosen with the help of
the Taylor expansion to match the desired spectrum of the operator
around the zero spatial frequency. The matching conditions lead to
the following set of coefficients for the squared Laplacian:
-1/60 |
2/5 |
7/30 |
2/5 |
-1/60 |
2/5 |
-14/15 |
-44/15 |
-14/15 |
2/5 |
7/30 |
-44/15 |
57/5 |
-44/15 |
7/30 |
2/5 |
-14/15 |
-44/15 |
-14/15 |
2/5 |
-1/60 |
2/5 |
7/30 |
2/5 |
-1/60 |
= 1/60
-1 |
24 |
14 |
24 |
-1 |
24 |
-56 |
-176 |
-56 |
24 |
14 |
-176 |
684 |
-176 |
14 |
24 |
-56 |
-176 |
-56 |
24 |
-1 |
24 |
14 |
24 |
-1 |
The Laplacian representation with the same order of accuracy has the
-1/360 |
2/45 |
2/45 |
-1/360 |
2/45 |
-14/45 |
-4/5 |
-14/45 |
2/45 |
-4/5 |
41/10 |
-4/5 |
2/45 |
-14/45 |
-4/5 |
-14/45 |
2/45 |
-1/360 |
2/45 |
2/45 |
-1/360 |
-1 |
16 |
16 |
-1 |
16 |
-112 |
-288 |
-112 |
16 |
-288 |
1476 |
-288 |
16 |
-112 |
-288 |
-112 |
16 |
-1 |
16 |
16 |
-1 |
For the sake of simplicity, I assumed equal spacing in the x and y
direction. The coefficients can be easily adjusted for anisotropic
spacing. Figures
show the spectra
of the finite-difference representations of operator (
for the different values of the tension parameter. The
finite-difference spectra appear to be fairly isotropic (independent on
angle in polar coordinates). They match the exact expressions at small
Figure 3 Spectra of the finite-difference
splines-in-tension schemes for different values of the tension
parameter (contour plots).
Figure 4 Spectra of the
finite-difference splines-in-tension schemes for different values of
the tension parameter (cross-section plots). The dashed lines show
the exact spectra for continuous operators.
Regarding the finite-difference operators as two-dimensional
auto-correlations and applying the efficient Wilson-Burg method of
spectral factorization described in Chapter
, I
obtain two-dimensional minimum-phase filters suitable for inverse
filtering. The exact filters contain many coefficients, which rapidly
decrease in magnitude at a distance from the first coefficient. For
reasons of efficiency, it is advisable to restrict the shape of the
filter so that it contains only the significant coefficients. Keeping
all the coefficients that are 1000 times smaller in magnitude than
the leading coefficient creates a 53-point filter for
a 35-point filter for
, with intermediate filter lengths
for intermediate values of
. Keeping only the coefficients
that are 200 times smaller that the leading coefficient, we obtain
25- and 16-point filters for respectively
.The restricted filters do not factor the autocorrelation exactly but
provide an effective approximation of the exact factors. As outputs of
the Wilson-Burg spectral factorization process, they obey the
minimum-phase condition.
Figure 5 Inverse filtering with the tension
filters. The left plots show the inputs composed of filters and
spikes. Inverse filtering turns filters into impulses and turns
spikes into inverse filter responses (middle plots). Adjoint
filtering creates smooth isotropic shapes (right plots). The tension
parameter takes on the values 0.3, 0.7, and 1 (from top to bottom).
The case of zero tension corresponds to Figure
shows the two-dimensional filters for different
values of
and illustrates inverse recursive filtering, which
is the essence of the helix method
Claerbout (1998a,b, 1999). The case of
to the filter known as helix derivative
Claerbout (1999); Zhao (1999). The filter values are spread mostly in
two columns. The other boundary case (
) leads to a
three-column filter, which serves as the minimum-phase version of the
Laplacian. This filter has been shown previously in
. As expected from the theory, the inverse
impulse response of this filter is noticeably smoother and wider than
the inverse response of the helix derivative. Filters corresponding
to intermediate values of
exhibit intermediate properties.
Theoretically, the inverse impulse response of the filter corresponds
to the Green's function of equation (
). The theoretical
Green's function for the case of
|  |
(96) |
where r is the distance from the impulse:
. In the case of
, the Green function is smoother at the origin:
|  |
(97) |
The theoretical Green's function expression for an arbitrary value of
is unknown, but we can assume that its smoothness lies
between the two boundary conditions.
In the next subsection, I illustrate an application of helical inverse
filtering to a two-dimensional interpolation problem.
Next: Regularization example
Up: Regularizing smooth data with
Previous: Mathematical theory of splines
Stanford Exploration Project