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Wilson-Burg spectral factorization

Spectral factorization constructs a minimum-phase signal from its spectrum. The algorithm, suggested by Wilson (1969), approaches this problem directly with Newton's iterative method. In a Z-transform notation, Wilson's method implies solving the equation  
S(Z) = A(Z)\bar{A}(1/Z)\end{displaymath} (79)
for a given spectrum S(Z) and unknown minimum-phase signal A(Z) with an iterative linearization
S(Z) & = & A_t(Z)\bar A_t(1/Z)+
 A_t( Z)[\bar A_{t+1}... A_{t+1}(1/Z) + \bar A_t(1/Z) A_{t+1}
- A_t(Z)\bar A_t(1/Z)
where At(Z) denotes the signal estimate at iteration t. Starting from some initial estimate A0(Z), such as A0(Z)=1, one iteratively solves the linear equation ([*]) for the updated signal At+1(Z). Wilson 1969 presents a rigorous proof that iteration ([*]) operates with minimum-phase signals provided that the initial estimate A0(Z) is minimum-phase.

Burg (1998, personal communication) recognized that dividing both sides of equation ([*]) by $\bar A_t(1/Z) A_t(Z)$ leads to a particularly convenient form, where the terms on the left are symmetric, and the two terms on the right are correspondingly strictly causal and anticausal:  
1 \ +\ {S(Z) \over \bar A_t(1/Z)\ A_t(Z)} =
{A_{t+1}(Z) \over A_t(Z)}
\ +\
{\bar A_{t+1}(1/Z) \over \bar A_t(1/Z)}\end{displaymath} (81)

Equation ([*]) leads to the Wilson-Burg algorithm, which accomplishes spectral factorization by a recursive application of convolution (polynomial multiplication) and deconvolution (polynomial division). The algorithm proceeds as follows:

Compute the left side of equation ([*]) using forward and adjoint polynomial division.
Abandon negative lags, to keep only the causal part of the signal, and also keep half of the zero lag. This gives us At+1(Z)/At(Z).
Multiply out (convolve) the denominator At(Z). Now we have the desired result At+1(Z).
Iterate until convergence.

Table 4.1: Example convergence of the Wilson-Burg iteration
iter a0 a1 a2 a3
  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 36.523964 23.737839 6.625787 0.657103
2 26.243151 25.726116 8.471050 0.914951
3 24.162354 25.991493 8.962727 0.990802
4 24.001223 25.999662 9.000164 0.999200
5 24.000015 25.999977 9.000029 0.999944
6 23.999998 26.000002 9.000003 0.999996
7 23.999998 26.000004 9.000001 1.000000
8 23.999998 25.999998 9.000000 1.000000
9 24.000000 26.000000 9.000000 1.000000

An example of the Wilson-Burg convergence is shown in Table [*] on a simple 1-D signal. The autocorrelation S(Z) in this case is $1334 + 867 \left(Z + 1/Z\right) + 242
\left(Z^2 + 1/Z^2\right) + 24 \left(Z^3 + 1/Z^3\right)$, and the corresponding minimum-phase signal is A(Z) = (2+Z)(3+Z)(4+Z) = 24 + 26 Z + 9 Z2 + Z3. A quadratic rate of convergence is visible from the table. The convergence slows down for signals whose polynomial roots are close to the unit circle Wilson (1969).

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