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The Kolmogoroff algorithm of spectral factorization
Claerbout (1976); Kolmogoroff (1939) is widely used because of its
computationally efficiency. While this method is easily extended to
the multi-dimensional case with the help of helical transform
Rickett and Claerbout (1999a,b), there are several
circumstances that make the Wilson-Burg method more attractive in
multi-dimensional filtering applications.
- The Kolmogoroff method takes
operations, where N
is the length of the auto-correlation function. The cost of the
Wilson-Burg method is proportional to the [number of iterations]
[filter length]
. If we keep the filter small
and limit the number of iterations, the Wilson-Burg method can be
cheaper (linear in N).
- The Kolmogoroff method works in the frequency domain and assumes
periodic boundary conditions. Auto-correlation functions,
therefore, need to be padded with zeros before they are Fourier
transformed. For functions with zeros near the unit circle, the
padding may need to be many orders of magnitude greater than the
original filter length, N Rickett and Claerbout (1998). The
Wilson-Burg method is implemented in the time-domain, so no padding
is required.
- Newton's method (the basis of the Wilson-Burg algorithm)
converges quickly when the initial guess is close to the solution.
If we take advantage of this property, the method may converge in
one or two iterations, reducing the cost even further. It is
impossible to make use of an initial guess with the Kolmogoroff
- The Kolmogoroff method, when applied to helix filtering,
involves the dangerous step of truncating the filter coefficients to
reduce the size of the filter. If the auto-correlation function has
roots close to the unit circle, truncating filter coefficients may
easily lead to non-minimum-phase filters. With Wilson-Burg, we can
fix the shape of the filter from the very beginning. This does not
guarantee that we will find the exact solution, but at least we can
obtain a reasonable minimum-phase approximation to the desired
filter. The safest practical strategy in the case of an unknown
initial estimate is to start with finding the longest possible
filter, remove those of its coefficients that are smaller a certain
threshold, and repeat the factoring process again with the shorter
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Up: Wilson-Burg spectral factorization
Previous: Wilson-Burg spectral factorization
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