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The shot gather shown in Figure [*] was first processed with the high-amplitude noise removal process shown in chapter [*] to produce the results in Figure [*]. The value of w, the multiplier of the median, was 5 in this case. After the bad samples were removed, the inversion of system ([*]) was used to predict the noise and the missing data. The missing data was then added to the known data to produce a full set of data. This full set of data then had the noise subtracted from it to produce the signal section shown in Figure [*]. The results in Figure [*] appear reasonable. The noise is well attenuated and the signal appears strong. Although the signal is not well predicted into the missing data area near zero offset, it has been extended several traces. Figure [*] shows the difference between the original data shown in Figure [*] and the calculated signal shown in Figure [*]. While some signal appears in the difference section, it is weak compared to the noise. Some of this apparent signal may be due to differences in the coupling of each receiver's geophones to the Earth. Irregularities in the reflection amplitudes will be poorly predicted by the signal annihilation filter and will appear in the noise section.

Figure 1
A shot gather showing some bad traces and other noise.

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Figure 2
The accepted samples from the data in the previous figure.

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Figure 3
The signal extracted from the shot gather.

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Figure 4
The difference between the original data and the signal extracted.

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Figure [*] shows the data from Figure [*] with the noise removal applied. Next, Figure [*] shows the data from Figure [*] where the inversion was used to predict the missing data while separating signal and noise, as in the previous Figures. Notice that most of the coherent noise discussed previously was not restored into the signal in Figure [*]. Figure [*] shows the difference between the original data and the noise. Little signal has leaked into the noise section and the results appear satisfactory.

Figure 5
A shot gather showing some bad traces and other noise.

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Figure 6
The accepted samples from the data in the previous figure.

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Figure 7
The signal extracted from the shot gather.

view burn build edit restore

Figure 8
The difference between the original data and the signal extracted.

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Next: Conclusions Up: Signal and noise separation Previous: Initializing the inversion
Stanford Exploration Project