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Conclusions and Discussions

We successfully achieved blocky velocity models by using the hybrid norm. We also showed that the choice of the regularization operator has a great impact on how blocky the results are. Nonetheless, the hybrid norm always showed more detail and resolution than the $ L2$ norm, even when blockiness was not achieved. An example of this can be seen by comparing Figures 4 and 9. Although the first Figure uses a Laplacian operator for regularization and the later Figure uses the first derivative in four directions (which we showed has the best results), the hybrid norm was still superior to the $ L2$ norm in preserving more details and showing higher resolution.

Another point to keep in mind is that the hybrid norm has a flexibile threshold. In all previous cases, we set that threshold to 0.20, meaning that 80 percent of residuals (both data residuals and model residuals) are going to be in the $ L1$ region and the rest in the $ L2$ region. However, this is a parameter that can be adjusted based on the desired degree of blockiness.

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