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Least-squares inversion of time-lapse seismic data sets

Within limits of the Born approximation of the linearized acoustic wave equation, synthetic seismic data set $ {\bf d}$ is obtained by the action of a modeling operator $ {\bf L}$ on the earth reflectivity $ {\bf m}$:

$\displaystyle {\bf d}={\bf L}{\bf m}.$ (A-1)

Given two data sets (baseline and monitor), acquired over an evolving earth model at times $ {\bf0}$ and $ {\bf 1}$ respectively, we can write

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} {\bf d}_{0}={\bf L}_{0}{\bf m}_{0},  {\bf d}_{1}={\bf L}_{1}{\bf m}_{1}, \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-2)

where $ {\bf m}_{0}$ and $ {\bf m}_{1}$ are the baseline and monitor reflectivities, and $ {\bf d}_{0}$ and $ {\bf d}_{1}$ are the data sets modeled by $ {\bf L}_{0}$ and $ {\bf L}_{1}$.

Applying the adjoint operators $ {\bf\bar L}^{T}_{0}$ and $ {\bf\bar L}^{T}_{1}$ to $ {\bf d}_{0}$ and $ {\bf d}_{1}$ respectively, we obtain the migrated baseline $ {\bf\tilde m}_{0}$ and monitor $ {\bf\tilde m}_{1}$ images:

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} {\bf\tilde m}_{0}={\bf\bar L}^{T}_{0}{\bf d...
...\bf\tilde m}_{1}={\bf\bar L}^{T}_{1}{\bf d}_{1},  \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-3)

where $ {\bf\bar L}^{T}_{i}$ denotes conjugate transpose of $ {\bf L}_{i}$. The raw time-lapse image $ \Delta \tilde{{\bf m}}$ is the difference between the migrated images:

$\displaystyle \Delta \tilde{{\bf m}}= \tilde{{\bf m}}_{1} - \tilde{{\bf m}}_{0}.$ (A-4)

Because incomplete seismic data sets leads to high non-repeatability, $ {\bf\tilde m_{0}}$ and $ {\bf\tilde m_{1}}$ must be cross-equalized before $ \Delta \tilde{\bf m}$ is computed. The high level of non-repeatability makes it difficult to adapt existing cross-equalization methods (Rickett and Lumley, 2001; Calvert, 2005; Hall, 2006) to randomly sampled time-lapse seismic data sets. The RJMI method takes the data acquisition geometry and sampling into account and hence can correct for the non-repeatability of the data sets.

We define two quadratic cost functions for the modeling experiments (equation 2):

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} S({\bf m_0})=\Vert {\bf L}_{0}{\bf m}_{0} -...
...t {\bf L}_{1}{\bf m}_{1} - {\bf d}_{1} \Vert^2_{2}, \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-5)

which, when minimized, give the least-squares solutions $ {\bf\hat m_0}$ and $ {\bf\hat m_1}$, where

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} \hat{{\bf m}}_{0}=({\bf\bar L}^{T}_{0}{\bf ... L}_{1})^{\dagger}{\bf\bar L}^{T}_{1}{\bf d}_{1}, \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-6)

and $ {(\cdot)^{\dagger}}$ denotes approximate inverse.

Because seismic inversion is ill-posed, model regularization is often required to ensure stability and convergence to a geologically consistent solution. For many seismic monitoring objectives, the known geology and reservoir architecture provide useful regularization information. Including baseline and monitor regularization operators ( $ {\bf R}_{0}$ and $ {\bf R}_{1}$ respectively) in the cost functions gives

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} S({\bf m_0})=\Vert {\bf L}_{0}{\bf m}_{0} -...
...lon^{2}_{1} \Vert{\bf R}_{1} {\bf m}_{1} \Vert^{2}, \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-7)

which have the solutions

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} \hat{{\bf m}}_{0}=({\bf\bar L}^{T}_{0}{\bf ... R}_{1})^{\dagger}{\bf\bar L}^{T}_{1}{\bf d}_{1}. \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-8)

where $ \epsilon_{i}$ is a regularization parameter that determines the strength of the regularization relative to the data fitting goal. Although there is a wide range of suggested methods for selecting $ \epsilon_{i}$, in most practical applications, the final choice of the parameter is subjective. Unless otherwise stated, we use a fixed, heuristically determined, data-dependent regularization parameter given by

$\displaystyle \epsilon_{i} = \frac{max \vert {\bf d}_{i} \vert }{50}.$ (A-9)

Estimating $ {\bf\hat m_0}$ or $ {\bf\hat m_1}$ by minimizing equation 7 is the so-called data-space least-squares migration/inversion method (Clapp, 2005).

Substituting equation 3 into equation 8, and re-arranging the terms, we get

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} \left [ {\bf H}_{0}+{\bf R}_{00} \right ] \...
...11} \right ] \hat{{\bf m}}_{1}= \tilde {\bf m}_{1}, \end{array}\end{displaymath} (A-10)

where $ {\bf H}_{i}={\bf\bar L}^{T}_{i}{\bf L}_{i}$ is the Hessian, and $ {\bf R}_{ii}=\epsilon^{2}_{i}{\bf R}_{i}^{T}{\bf R}_{i}$ is the regularization term. Equation 10 can be solved using iterative inverse filtering leading to the so-called model-space least-squares migration/inversion method (Valenciano, 2008). We summarize linearized (Born) wave-equation data modeling and the least-squares Hessian derivation in Appendix $ {A}$. Throughout this paper, our discussion of the Hessian refers to its target-oriented approximation defined in equation A-5.

An inverted time-lapse image, $ \Delta \hat{{\bf m}}$, can be obtained as the difference between the two images, $ \hat{{\bf m}}_{0}$ and $ \hat{{\bf m}}_{1}$:

$\displaystyle \Delta \hat{{\bf m}}= \hat{{\bf m}}_{1} - \hat{{\bf m}}_{0}.$ (A-11)

In this paper, we refer to the method of computing the time-lapse image using equation 11 as separate inversion.

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