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Mapping of specularly-reflected multiples to image space:
An example with 3D synthetic data

Gabriel Alvarez and Biondo Biondi,


In 2D, specularly-reflected multiples, when migrated with the velocity of the primaries, map to negative subsurface offsets in Subsurface-Offset-Domain Common-Image Gathers (SODCIGs). In Angle-Domain Common-Image Gathers (ADCIGs) they map with curvature towards increasing depths. Here we show, through a 3D synthetic prestack dataset, that specularly-reflected multiples in 3D have a similar behavior with an interesting addition: in 3D ADCIGs, the multiples exhibit an azimuth rotation proportional to the dip of the reflecting interface generating the multiple. This attribute may be used to discriminate between primaries and multiples in 3D ADCIGs and therefore help in the attenuation of the multiples.

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Stanford Exploration Project