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Several choices exist in selecting the regularization operator for iterative data regularization.

Splines in tension represent an approach to data regularization suitable for smooth data. The constraint is embedded in a user-specified[*] tension parameter. The two boundary values of tension correspond to cubic and linear interpolation. By applying the method of spectral factorization on a helix, I have been able to define a family of two-dimensional minimum-phase filters, which correspond to the spline interpolation problem with different values of tension. These filters contribute to the collection of useful helical filters. I have used them for preconditioning in data-regularization problems with smooth surfaces. In general, they are applicable for preconditioning various estimation problems with smooth models.

I demonstrate that adaptive local plane-wave destructors with an improved finite-difference design can be a valuable tool in processing multidimensional seismic data. In several examples, I have shown a good performance of plane-wave destructors in application to data regularization. It may be useful to summarize here the similarities and differences between plane-wave destructors and T-X prediction-error filters.


Differences: I have shown that a 3-D plane-wave destruction filter can be designed from a pair of two-dimensional filters by using helix transform and the Wilson-Burg spectral factorization algorithm. A special approach to designing plane-wave destructor filters follows from the general B-spline regularization method.

Differential offset continuation provides a valuable tool for regularization of reflection seismic data. Starting from analytical frequency-domain solutions of the offset continuation differential equation, I have designed accurate finite-difference filters for implementing offset continuation as a local convolutional operator. A similar technique works for shot continuation across different shot gathers.

Differential offset continuation serves as a bridge between integral and convolutional approaches to data interpolation. It shares the theoretical grounds with the integral approach but is applied in a manner similar to that of prediction-error filters in the convolutional approach.

Tests with synthetic and real data demonstrate that the offset-continuation regularization can succeed in complex structural situations where more simplistic methods fail.

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Stanford Exploration Project