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Choice of regularization and numerical results

  This chapter addresses the problem of choosing appropriate regularization and preconditioning operators. Such a choice plays a crucially important role in iterative data regularization. I discuss three strategies appropriate for different kinds of data:
Smoothly varying surfaces are regularized with recursive helical smoothers based on the tension-spline theory.
The local plane-wave model is often suitable for characterizing different kinds of seismic data. Such data are successfully regularized with plane-wave destructor filters.
Seismic reflection data exhibit additional degrees of predictability because of multiple coverage. They can be regularized with finite-difference offset continuation filters. Among the three methods being discussed, the offset continuation approach is the most innovative. The theory behind it is explained in Chapter [*].
Combining the constructed regularization operator $\bold{D}$ with the appropriate forward operator $\bold{L}$, discussed in Chapter [*], we obtain a complete problem formulation in the form of system ([*]) or ([*]). This chapter is the culmination of this dissertation. It contains final numerical experiments that test and illustrate the main concepts developed in other chapters.

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Stanford Exploration Project