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Interpolation with convolutional bases

Unser et al. (1993) noticed that the basis function idea has an especially simple implementation if the basis is convolutional and satisfies the equation  
 \psi_k (x) = \beta (x-k)\;.\end{displaymath} (65)
In other words, the basis is constructed by integer shifts of a single function $\beta(x)$. Substituting expression ([*]) into equation ([*]) yields  
 f (x) = \sum_{k \in K} c_k \beta (x - k)\;.\end{displaymath} (66)
Evaluating the function f(x) in equation ([*]) at an integer value n, we obtain the equation  
 f (n) = \sum_{k \in K} c_k \beta (n-k)\;,\end{displaymath} (67)
which has the exact form of a discrete convolution. The basis function $\beta(x)$, evaluated at integer values, is digitally convolved with the vector of basis coefficients to produce the sampled values of the function f(x). We can invert equation ([*]) to obtain the coefficients ck from f(n) by inverse recursive filtering (deconvolution). In the case of a non-causal filter $\beta(n)$, an appropriate spectral factorization will be needed prior to applying the recursive filtering.

According to the convolutional basis idea, forward interpolation becomes a two-step procedure. The first step is the direct inversion of equation ([*]): the basis coefficients ck are found by deconvolving the sampled function f(n) with the factorized filter $\beta(n)$. The second step reconstructs the continuous (or arbitrarily sampled) function f(x) according to formula ([*]). The two steps could be combined into one, but usually it is more convenient to apply them separately. I show a schematic relationship among different variables in Figure [*].

Figure 12
Schematic relationship among different variables for interpolation with a convolutional basis.

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