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Seasat modeling and solution formulation

The problem formulation is,
\bold 0 &\approx& \bold A_n( \bold T \bold h - \bold d) \\ \bold 0 &\approx& \bold A_h \ \epsilon\ \bold h\end{eqnarray} (20)
where $\bold A_n$ is a noise whitener, $\bold A_h$ is a topography whitener (PEF), $\bold d$ is data, $\bold h$ is altitude, $\bold T$ is the operator that makes data tracks from an altitude map, and $\epsilon$ is the usual damping parameter. Figure 11 uses two different values of $\bold A_h$,one a Laplacian and one a PEF.

Subroutine icai2() is yet another 2-D convolution program, a straightforward generalization of the 1-D subroutine icaf1() [*], but with the adjoint being the input instead of the filter. We need it to apply the spatial PEF to the topography without overflowing the edges.  

# Internal Convolution, Adjoint is the Input.  2-dimensional
subroutine icai2( adj,add, lag1,lag2, aa,na1,na2,  xx,n1,n2,  yy )
integer           adj,add, lag1,lag2,    na1,na2,     n1,n2
real                                  aa(na1,na2), xx(n1,n2), yy(n1,n2)
integer                                   a1, a2,     x1,x2,     y1,y2
call adjnull(     adj,add,                         xx,n1*n2,  yy,n1*n2)
do a2=1,na2 {  do y2= 1+na2-lag2, n2-lag2+1 {  x2= y2 - a2 + lag2
do a1=1,na1 {  do y1= 1+na1-lag1, n1-lag1+1 {  x1= y1 - a1 + lag1
        if( adj == 0 )
                        yy( y1,y2) = yy( y1,y2) + xx( x1,x2) * aa( a1,a2)
                        xx( x1,x2) = xx( x1,x2) + yy( y1,y2) * aa( a1,a2)
        }}  }}
return; end

Subroutine track() shows how tracks are defined from topography, and it also does the adjoint reconstruction of topography from tracks. The array dknow(,,) is 1 where data is recorded and 0 where it is not. The subroutine also carries along the $\epsilon \bold I$ operator with subroutine ident() [*].  

# make satellite altimeter tracks (and filtered topography) from topography hh.
subroutine track( adj,add, eps, hh,n1,n2,  dd         , dkno )
integer i1,i2,i3, adj,add,         n1,n2
real                       eps, hh(n1,n2), dd(n1,n2,3), dkno(n1,n2,2)
call adjnull(     adj,add,      hh,n1*n2,  dd,n1*n2*3)
do i3=1, 2
do i2=1, n2
do i1=1, n1
        if( adj == 0)
                dd(i1,i2,i3) =  dd(i1,i2,i3) + hh(i1,i2)    * dkno(i1,i2,i3)
                hh(i1,i2)    =  hh(i1,i2)    + dd(i1,i2,i3) * dkno(i1,i2,i3)
call ident( adj, 1, eps, n1*n2, hh,            dd( 1, 1, 3) )
return; end


subroutine ident( adj, add, epsilon, n, pp,    qq   )
integer i,        adj, add,          n
real                        epsilon,    pp(n), qq(n)  # equivalence (pp,qq) OK
if( adj == 0 ) {
        if( add == 0 ) { do i=1,n {  qq(i) =         epsilon * pp(i) } }
        else           { do i=1,n {  qq(i) = qq(i) + epsilon * pp(i) } }
else {  if( add == 0 ) { do i=1,n {  pp(i) =         epsilon * qq(i) } }
        else           { do i=1,n {  pp(i) = pp(i) + epsilon * qq(i) } }
return; end

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Stanford Exploration Project