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The general theory

In the case of zero-offset reflection, the ray travel distance, l, from the source to the reflection point is related to the two-way zero-offset time, t, by the simple equation

l = vg t, (3)

where vg is the half of the group velocity, best expressed in terms of its components, as follows:

v_g = \sqrt{v_{gx}^2 + v_v^2 v_{g\tau}^2}.\end{displaymath}

Here vgx denotes the horizontal component of group velocity, vv is the vertical P-wave velocity, and $v_{g\tau}$ is the vv-normalized vertical component of the group velocity. Under the assumption of zero shear-wave velocity in VTI media, these components have the following analytic expressions:  
v_{gx} =
{\frac{{v^2}\,{p_x}\,\left( -1 - 2\,\eta + 2\,\eta ...
 ...left( 1 + 2\,\eta \right) \,{{{p_x}}^2} +
 {{{p_{\tau }}}^2}}},\end{displaymath} (4)
v_{g\tau} = {\frac{\left(1- 2\,{v^2}\,\eta \,{{{p_x}}^2} \ri...
 ...eft( 1 + 2\,\eta \right) \,
 {{{p_x}}^2} + {{{p_{\tau }}}^2}}},\end{displaymath} (5)
where px is the horizontal component of slowness, and $p_{\tau}$is the normalized (again by the vertical P-wave velocity vv) vertical component of slowness. The two components of the slowness vector are related by the following eikonal-type equation Alkhalifah (1997):  
p_{\tau} = \sqrt{1 - {\frac{{v^2}\,{{{p_x}}^2}}
 {1 - 2\,{v^2}\,\eta \,{{{p_x}}^2}}}}.\end{displaymath} (6)
Equation (6) corresponds to a normalized version of the dispersion relation in VTI media.

If we consider v and $\eta$ as imaging parameters (migration velocity and migration anisotropy coefficient), the ray length l can be taken as an imaging invariant. This implies that the partial derivatives of l with respect to the imaging parameters are zero. Therefore,  
\frac{\partial l}{\partial v} = \frac{\partial
 v_{g}}{\partial v} t+ v_{g} \frac{\partial t}{\partial v} = 0,\end{displaymath} (7)
\frac{\partial l}{\partial \eta} = \frac{\partial v_{g}}{\partial \eta} t+
 v_{g} \frac{\partial t}{\partial \eta} = 0.\end{displaymath} (8)
Applying the simple chain rule to equations (7) and (8), we obtain  
\frac{\partial t}{\partial v} = \frac{\partial t}{\partial \...
 ...partial t}
{\partial \tau} \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial \eta},\end{displaymath} (9)
where $\frac{\partial t}{\partial \tau} = - p_{\tau}$, and the two-way vertical traveltime is given by

\tau = v_{g\tau} t.\end{displaymath}

Combining equations (7-9) eliminates the two-way zero-offset time t, which leads to the equations
 \tau}{\partial v} = \frac{\partial v_{g}}{\partial v} {\frac{\tau }
 {{p_{\tau }}\,{v_{g\tau }}{v_{g}}}},\end{displaymath} (10)
 \tau}{\partial \eta} = \frac{\partial v_{g}}...
 ...rtial \eta}
{\frac{\tau } {{p_{\tau }}\,{v_{g\tau }}{v_{g}}}}. \end{displaymath} (11)

After some tedious algebraic manipulation, we can transform equations (5) and (6) to the general form  
\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial v} = \tau F_v\left(p_x,v,\eta \right),\end{displaymath} (12)
\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial \eta} = \tau F_{\eta}\left(p_x,v,\eta \right).\end{displaymath} (13)

Since the residual migration is applied to migrated data, with the time axis given by $\tau$ and the reflection slope given by $\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial x}$, instead of t and px, respectively, we need to eliminate px from equations (12) and (13). This task can be achieved with the help of the following explicit relation, derived in Appendix A,  
p_x^2 = {\frac{2\,{{{{\tau }_x}}^2}}
 {1 + {v^2}\,\left( 1 + 2\,\eta \right) \,
 {{{{\tau }_x}}^2} +
 {S}}},\end{displaymath} (14)
where ${\tau }_x$=$\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial x}$, and

S = \sqrt{-8\,{v^2}\,\eta \,{{{{\tau }_x}}^2} +
 {{\left( 1 ...
 ...\,\left( 1 + 2\,\eta \right) \,{{{{\tau }_x}}^2} \right) }^2}}.\end{displaymath}

Inserting equation (14) into equations (12) and (13) yields exact, yet complicated equations, describing the continuation process for v and $\eta$. In summary, these equations have the form  
 \tau}{\partial v} = \tau f_v\left(\frac{\partial
 \tau}{\partial x},v,\eta \right)\end{displaymath} (15)
\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial \eta} = \tau f_{\eta}\left(\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial x},v,\eta \right).\end{displaymath} (16)
Equations of the form (15) and (16) contain all the necessary information about the kinematic laws of anisotropy continuation in the domain of zero-offset migration.

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