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Next we examine odd/even symmetries to see how they are affected in Fourier transform. The even part et of a signal bt is defined as  
e_t \eq {b_t + b_{-t} \over 2}\end{displaymath} (12)
The odd part is  
o_t \eq {b_t - b_{-t} \over 2}\end{displaymath} (13)
By adding (12) and (13), we see that a function is the sum of its even and odd parts:  
b_t \eq e_t + o_t\end{displaymath} (14)

Consider a simple, real, even signal such as (b-1, b0, b1) = (1, 0, 1). Its transform $Z + 1/Z = e^{i\omega}+e^{-i\omega} = 2\cos \omega$is an even function of $\omega$, since $\cos \omega = \cos (-\omega)$.

Consider the real, odd signal (b-1, b0, b1) = (-1, 0, 1). Its transform $Z - 1/Z = 2i\sin\omega$ is imaginary and odd, since $\sin \omega = -\sin(-\omega)$.

Likewise, the transform of the imaginary even function (i, 0, i) is the imaginary even function $i2 \cos \omega$.Finally, the transform of the imaginary odd function (-i, 0, i) is real and odd.

Let r and i refer to real and imaginary, e and o to even and odd, and lower-case and upper-case letters to time and frequency functions. A summary of the symmetries of Fourier transform is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5
Odd functions swap real and imaginary. Even functions do not get mixed up with complex numbers.

More elaborate signals can be made by adding together the three-point functions we have considered. Since sums of even functions are even, and so on, the diagram in Figure 6 applies to all signals. An arbitrary signal is made from these four parts only, i.e., the function has the form $b_t = ( {\rm re} + {\rm ro})_t + i ( {\rm ie} + {\rm io})_t$.On transformation of bt, each of the four individual parts transforms according to the table.

Most ``industry standard'' methods of Fourier transform set the zero frequency as the first element in the vector array holding the transformed signal, as implied by equation (3). This is a little inconvenient, as we saw a few pages back. The Nyquist frequency is then the first point past the middle of the even-length array, and the negative frequencies lie beyond. Figure 7 shows an example of an even function as it is customarily stored.

Figure 6
Even functions as customarily stored by ``industry standard'' FT programs.


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