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Up: Data modeling by least
The median and the mean are two kinds
of statistical average.
In a normal situation
they behave in about the same way.
At the present time physical scientists almost
always use the mean and hence tend to be
unaware of the dramatic ability of the
median to cast off the effect of blunders in the data.
As an example,
consider an expensive,
all-day-long experiment which yields only
one number for a result.
On the first day the result is 2.17,
on the second day it is 2.14,
and on the third and final day it is 1638.03.
The mean of these results is 547.78
but the median (middle value) is 2.17.
If one suspects a blunder on the third day,
one will obviously prefer the median.
Statisticians call this the ``robust" property of the median.
The objective of this section
is to show how many kinds of geophysical data fitting
can be made to be robust.
In particular,
all the calculations we now do which amount to solving
overdetermined linear simultaneous equations
by means of summed squared-error minimization can be made robust
by minimizing summed absolute values of errors,
Computer costs are often comparable to those
of least-squares methods.
The algorithms turn out to solve a slightly broader
class of problem than minimizing the summed absolute errors.
Positive errors may be penalized with a differend
weight factor than negative errors.
Such an arrangement
is called an asymmetric linear norm.
A special case of an asymmetric norm is an inequality.
Not surprisingly,
it turns out that all linear programming problems
are special cases of
asymmetric linear-norm problems and the solution
techniques for asymmetric linear norms are
similar to linear programming.
we will see why means and medians relate to squares
and absolute values.
Let xi be an arbitrary number.
Let us define m2 by the minimization of the
sum of squared differences
(called the L2 norm) between m2 and xi:
|  |
(62) |
It is a straight forward task to find
the minimum by setting the partial derivative of
the sum with respect to m2 equal to zero.
We get

|  |
(63) |
m2 has turned out to be given by the
usual definition of mean.
let us define m1
by minimizing the summed absolute values
(called the L1 norm).
We have
|  |
(64) |
To find the minimum
we may again set the partial derivative with
respect to m1 equal to zero
|  |
(65) |
Here the sgn function is +1
when the argument is positive,
-1 when the argument is negative,
and somewhere in between when the
argument is zero.
Equation (65) says that
m1 should be chosen so that
m1 exceeds xi for N/2 terms,
m1 is less than xi for N/2 terms,
and if there is an xi left in the middle,
m1 equals that xi.
this defines m1 as a median.
[For an even number N
the definition (64)
requires only the m1 lie anywhere
between the middle two values of the xi.]
The computational cost for a mean
is proportional to N,
the number of points.
The cost for completely ordering a list of numbers
,but complete ordering is not required
for finding the median.
Hoare provided an algorithm
for finding the median
which requires about 3N operations.
A computer algorithm based on Hoare's
algorithm will be provided for
weighted medians.
Weighted medians are analogous to weighted sums.
2.17 is taken to be the median of the numbers
(2.14, 2.17, 1638.03)
because we implicitly applied weights
(1, 1, 1).
If we applied weights
(3, 1, 1)
it would be like having the numbers
2.14, 2.14, 2.14, 2.17, 1638.03 and
the median would then be 2.14.
a weight median may be defined by the minimization
|  |
(66) |
Obviously if the weight factors are all unity,
this reduces to the earlier definition
whereas using a weight factor equal to 3,
for example,
is just like including the same term
three times with a weight of 1.
Figure 2 illustrates the
definition (66) for a simple case.
From Figure 2 it is apparent
that a median is always equal to one of
the xi4 even if the weights are not integers.
If the weights are all unity
and there is an even number of numbers,
then the error norm will be flat between the
two middle numbers.
Then any value in between satisfies our
definition of median by minimizing the sum.
Figure 2 A sum of weighted
absolute value norms.
The function labeled A is .5|m-1|,
B is .5|m-5|,
C is .1|m-2|,
and D is the sum of A, B, and C.
The sum D is minimized at m-2,
a point which exactly solves
C = 0 = .1|m-2|.
|  |
Let us rearrange (66)
by bringing |wi| into the other
absolute-value function.
We have
|  |
(67) |
We will now relabel things
from the conventions of statistics to the
usual convention of simultaneous equations
and linear programming.
|  |
(68) |
| (69) |
| |
With these new definitions (67) becomes
|  |
(70) |
The definition (70) says,
in other words,
to solve the rank one overdetermined equations
|  |
(71) |
for x by minimizing the L1 norm.
This is,
in effect,
a weighted median problem.
If (71) were solved
by minimizing the L2 norm
(least squares) x would turn out
to be the weighted average
We now consider a solution technique for the minimization (66).
it is Hoare's algorithm.
On a trial basis
we select a random equation
from the set (71) to be exactly satisfied.
This equation,
called the basis equation,
can be denoted
into (71)
we get equations with positive errors,
negative errors, and zero errors.
If we have been lucky with
,then we find that the zero error group has enough weight
to swing the balance between positive and negative
weights in either direction.
we must pick a new trial basis equation
from the stronger of the positive or negative group.
we need no longer look into the weaker group
because these residuals cannot change signs as we
descent into minimum.
This may be seen geometrically on a
figure like Figure 2.
We always wish to go downhill,
so once it has been ascertained that a data point is uphill
from the present point then it is never necessary to
reinspect the uphill point.
Thus, the size of the group being inspected
rapidly diminishes.
Below are subroutines to compute
weighted and skewed medians.
(A ``skewed median" is often called a quantile.)
This subroutine is somewhat complicated
because it takes special care to do the correct thing
when weight factors are zero and because
it provides pointers to all equations
(occasionally there is more than one)
which are satisfied at the final minimum.
subroutine skewer(n,w,f,gu,gd,small,k,t,ml,mh)
# For a Fortran version all in upper case see FGDP p. 126
# solve rank 1 overdetermined equations with skew norm
# inputs- n,w,f,gu,gd,small,k. outputs- k,t,ml,mh.
# find t to minimize
# n
# ls = sum skewnorm(k,f(k)-w(k)*t)
# k=1
# where (gu(k)*(er-small) if er>+small gu>0
# skewnorm(k,er) = (gd(k)*(er+small) if er<-small gd<0
# (0. if abs(er) <= small
# gu,gd,w,and f are referenced indirectly as w(k(i)),i=1,n etc
# minima will be at equations k(ml),k(ml+1),...k(mh).
real w(n),f(n),gu(n),gd(n),g(100)
integer k(n)
integer i,n,low,large,ml,mh,mlt,mht,itry,l
real gn,gp,t,er,gnt,gpt,gplx,gmix,small,grad
low = 1
large = n
ml = n
mh = 1
gn = 0.
gp = 0.
do itry = 1,n {
l = k(low+mod((large-low)/3+itry,large-low+1))
if (abs(w(l))!=0.) { # "!=" means "not equal"
t = f(l)/(w(l))
f(l) = w(l)*t
do i = low,large {
l = k(i)
er = f(l)-w(l)*t
g(l) = 0.
if (er>small)
g(l) = -w(l)*gu(l)
if (er<(-small))
g(l) = -w(l)*gd(l)
call split(low,large,k,g,mlt,mht)
gnt = gn
do i = low,mlt
gnt = gnt+g(k(i))
gpt = gp
do i = mht,large
gpt = gpt+g(k(i))
gplx = 0.
gmix = 0.
do i = mlt,mht {
l = k(i)
if (w(l)<0.) {
gplx = gplx-w(l)*gu(l)
gmix = gmix-w(l)*gd(l)
if (w(l)>0.) {
gplx = gplx-w(l)*gd(l)
gmix = gmix-w(l)*gu(l)
grad = gnt+gpt
if ((grad+gplx)*(grad+gmix)<0.)
break 1
if (grad>=0.)
low = mht+1
if (grad<=0)
large = mlt-1
if (low>large)
break 1
if (grad>=0.)
gn = gnt+gmix
if (grad<=0.)
gp = gpt+gplx
if (grad+gplx==0.)
ml = mlt
if (grad+gmix==0.)
mh = mht
ml = min0(ml,mlt)
mh = max0(mh,mht)
subroutine split(low,large,k,g,ml,mh)
# For a Fortran version all in upper case, see FGDP p 127
# given g(k(i)),i=low,large
# then rearrange k(i),i=low,large and find ml and mh so that
# (g(k(i)),i=low,(ml-1)) < 0. and
# (g(k(i)),i=ml,mh)=0. and
# (g(k(i)),i=(mh+1),large) > 0.
real g(100)
integer k(100)
#integer low,large,k,ml,mh,keep,i,ii
integer low,large,ml,mh,keep,i,ii
ml = low
mh = large
repeat {
ml = ml-1
ml = ml+1
repeat {
mh = mh+1
mh = mh-1
keep = k(mh)
k(mh) = k(ml)
k(ml) = keep
if (g(k(ml))!=g(k(mh)))
break 1 # Break out of enclosing "repeat{"
do i = ml,mh {
ii = i
if (g(k(i))!=0.0)
go to 30
break 2 # Break out of two enclosing "repeat{"'s
30 keep = k(mh)
k(mh) = k(ii)
k(ii) = keep
The next step up the ladder of complexity
is to consider two unknowns.
The obvious generalization of (71) is
| ![\begin{displaymath}
a_1 & c_1 \\ a_2 & c_2 \\ \vdo...
b_1 \\ b_2 \\ \vdots \\ b_k \\ \vdots \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath}](img192.gif) |
(72) |
We will assume that the reader is familiar with
the solution to (72) by the least-squares method.
Solution by minimizing the sum of the absolute values
of the errors begins in a similar way.
We begin by defining the error
|  |
(73) |
Then we will set the x derivative of the error
equal to zero and the y derivative of the error
equal to zero.
|  |
(74) |
|  |
(75) |
Now we run into a snag.
If the sgn function always takes the value
+1 or -1,
then (74) implies that the ak
may be divided into two piles of equal weight.
Clearly many,
indeed most,
collections of numbers cannot be so balanced
(for example, if all the ai except one are integers).
The difficulty will be avoided if at least one of the equations
of (72) is solved exactly so that sgn takes an
indeterminate value for the term.
Any algebraic confusion may be quickly dispelled by
recollection of Figure 2
and the result that even with one unknown
the minimum generally occurs at a corner where
the first derivative is discontinuous.
The same situation must again apply to (75).
The usual situation is that for N equations
and M unknowns precisely M of the N equations
will be exactly satisfied in order to enable the
error gradient to vanish at the minimum.
Common usage in the field of linear programming is to
refer to any nonsingular subset of M out of the N
equations as a set of basis equations.
The particular set of M equations which is solved
when the error is minimized is called the
optimum basis.
Although linear programming is a twentieth-century development,
the basic ideas seem to have been well known before
Laplace in the eighteenth century.
in the words of Gauss'
Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium
which appeared in 1980:
Laplace made use of another principle
for the solution of linear equations,
the number of which is greater than
the number of unknown quantities,
which had been previously proposed by Boscovich,
namely that the differences themselves,
both all of them taken positively,
should make up as small a sum as possible.
It can be easily shown,
that a system of values of unknown quantities,
derived from this principle alone,
must necessarily
(except the special cases in which the problem remains,
to some extent, indeterminate)
exactly satisfy as many equations out of the number proposed,
as there are unknown quantities,
so that the remaining equations
come into consideration only so far as they
help to determine the choice.
Next a simple but effective technique for
descent down a multidimensional error surface
will be described.
The position of
on a line through
can be indicated by a scalar parameter t.
The direction of the line can be specified
by an M component vector
.Then any point
on the line may be
represented as
|  |
(76) |
Inserting (76) into the overdetermined set
|  |
(77) |
we obtain
|  |
(78) |
|  |
(79) |
|  |
(80) |
|  |
(81) |
(79) becomes
|  |
(82) |
Solving (82) by minimizing
the summed absolute errors also given the
minimum error along the line in (78).
But (82) is the weighted median problem
disussed earlier.
Recall that the solution t to
(82) which gives minimum absolute error
will exactly satisfy one of the equations in (82).
Let us say t = ek/wk.
For this value of t,
the kth equation in (77)
will also be satisfied exactly.
The kth equation in now considered to be a good
candidate for the basis,
and we will next show how to pick the vector
so as to continue to satisfy the
kth equation (stay on the kth hyperplane)
as we adjust t in the next iteration.
Now we need a set of basis equations.
This is a set of M equations
which is temporarily taken to be satisfied.
as new equations are introduced into the basis
by the weighted median solution,
old equations are dropped out.
The strategy of the present algorithm
is merely to drop out the one which has
been in longest.
Let us denote our basis equations by
|  |
(83) |
is a square matrix.
The inverse of the matrix
will be required and will be denoted by
.Now suppose we decide to
throw out the pth equation from the
basis matrix
.Then for
we select the pth column of
.To see why this works not that since
the M vector
will now be the pth column from the
identity matrix.
Therefore, in the N vector
there is a component equal to +1,
there are M -1 components equal to 0,
and there are N - M other unspecified elements.
If the kth equation in (77) or
(82) has been kept in the basis (83),
then the kth equation in
now reads
|  |
(84) |
The left-hand zero is an element from
the identity matrix and
the right-hand zero is from the statement that
the kth equation is exactly satisfied.
we can now adjust t as much as we like
to attain a new local minimum and the
kth equation will still be exactly satisfied.
There is also one equation of the form
|  |
(85) |
It will be satisfied only if t is zero.
Geometrically, this means that
if we must move to get to a minimum,
then this equation is not satisfied and so we are
jumping from this hyperplane.
This equation is the one leaving the basis.
Of course,
if t turns out to be zero,
then it reenters the basis.
The foregoing steps are iterated until such
time that for M successive iterations the quations
thrown out of the basis by virtue of its age
has immediately reappeared because t = 0.
This means that the basis can no longer be
improved and we have arrived at the optimum basis
and the final solution.
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Up: Data modeling by least
Stanford Exploration Project