A Voter's Guide for
Ohio's District 6 Families

The Interfaith Alliance is Dedicated to:
·Promoting Values
·Strengthening Families
·Building Community
The following voter guide is sent to you and your family by The Interfaith Alliance, a faith-based, non-partisan organization of religious leaders and concerned citizens which draws its membership from over 45 different faith communities.

The Interfaith Alliance chose these issues because we feel they are the seven most important concerns for children and families that were voted on by the 104th Congress and are facing our community.

We Encourage You To
Vote on November 5
Frank CremeansTed Strickland
Reduce the deficit by cutting funds for federal student loans. Congressional Record #626 (8/3/95)SUPPORTSOPPOSES
Decrease projected Medicare spending in order to reduce the deficit. Congressional Record #345 (5/18/95)SUPPORTSOPPOSES
Raise the minimum wage. Congressional Record #192 (5/23/96)SUPPORTSSUPPORTS
Reform Welfare by ending the guarantee of federal assistance for low-income families with children. Congressional Record #383 (7/31/96)SUPPORTSOPPOSES
A ban on 19 assault style weapons. Congressional Record #92 (3/22/96)OPPOSESOPPOSES
Restrict tobacco advertising aimed at children.No ResponseSUPPORTS
Weaken clean air and water protections. Congressional Record #337 (5/16/95)SUPPORTSOPPOSES

All votes and candidate positions are derived when possible from the Congressional Record, candidate responses to The Interfaith Alliance 1996 issue survey and/or the public record.

This guide is meant for educational purposes only and is not to be construted as an endorsement of any candidate or political party. For more information write to TIA at either 1511 K. St., NW, Suite 738, Washington, DC 20005 or TIAlliance@intr.net

Not for Distribution in Houses of Worship

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