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The stretch factor in time

In this appendix, we derive $\sigma$, given by equation 6, in the $(x-\tau)$-domain. Using such an equation can avoid the process of mapping $\sigma$ from depth to time and back. The vertical two-way traveltime, $\tau$, is written as  
\tau(x,z) = \int_0^z \frac{2}{v_v(x,\zeta)} d\zeta,\end{displaymath} (29)
where z corresponds to depth. Similarly,  
z(\tilde{x},\tau) = \frac{1}{2} \int_0^{\tau} v_v(\tilde{x},t) dt,\end{displaymath} (30)
where $\tilde{x}$ corresponds to the new coordinate system.

Using the chain rule,  
\frac{\partial t}{\partial \tilde{x}} = \frac{\partial t}{\partial x} + 
 \frac{\partial t}{\partial z} \beta,\end{displaymath} (31)
where $\beta$ extracted from equation (30) is given by  
\beta (\tilde{x},\tau)= \frac{\partial z}{\partial \tilde{x}...
 ...u} \frac{\partial v_v(\tilde{x},t)}{\partial \tilde{x}}\,\, dt,\end{displaymath} (32)
the partial derivative in $\tau$ is  
\frac{\partial t}{\partial \tau} = \frac{v_v}{2} \frac{\partial t}{\partial z}.\end{displaymath} (33)
Therefore, the transformation from ($\tilde{x}$, $\tau$) to (x, z) is governed by the following Jacobian matrix in 2-D:
J_c = \left(\begin{array}
 1& \beta \  0& \frac{v_v}{2}\  \end{array}\right).\end{displaymath} (34)
The inverse of Jc is
J_c^{-1} = \left(\begin{array}
 1& {\frac{-2\,\beta }{{v_v}}} \  0& {\frac{2}{{v_v}}}\  \end{array}\right),\end{displaymath} (35)
which should equal the Jacobian matrix for the transformation from (x, z) to ($\tilde{x}$, $\tau$), given by
J = \left(\begin{array}
 1& \sigma\  0& \frac{2}{v_v}\  \end{array}\right).\end{displaymath} (36)
As a result,

\sigma(\tilde{x},\tau) = \frac{-2\,\beta }{{v_v}} = 
 ...u} \frac{\partial v_v(\tilde{x},t)}{\partial \tilde{x}}\,\, dt,\end{displaymath}

which is a convenient equation, since we want to keep all fields, including velocity, in $\tilde{x}-\tau$ coordinates.


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Stanford Exploration Project