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Estimating plane waves

It may seem difficult to estimate the plane slope px for a Lax-Wendroff filter of the form (10) because px appears non-linearly in the filter coefficients. However, using the analytical form of the filter, we can easily linearize it with respect to the plane slope and set up a simple iterative scheme:  
 p_x^{(k+1)} = p_x^{(k)} + \Delta p_x^{(k)}\;,\end{displaymath} (11)
where k stands for the iteration count, and $\Delta p_x^{(k)}$ is found from the linearized equation  
\left(\bold{A'}_x \bold{U}\right) \Delta p_x = - 
\bold{A}_x \bold{U}\;,\end{displaymath} (12)
where $\bold{A'}_x$ is the derivative of $\bold{A}_x$ with respect to px. To avoid unstable division by zero when solving equation (12) for $\Delta p_x$, Adding a regularization equation  
\epsilon \nabla \Delta p_x \approx 0\;,\end{displaymath} (13)
where $\epsilon$ is a small scalar regularization parameter, I solve system (12-13) in the least-square sense to obtain a smooth slope variation $\Delta p_x$ at each iteration. In practice, iteration process (11) quickly converges to a stable estimate of px.

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Stanford Exploration Project