Next: My rise-time proof of
Previous: The uncertainty principle in
Although it is easy to verify the uncertainty principle in many special cases,
it is not easy to deduce it.
The difficulty begins from finding a definition of the width
of a function that leads to a tractable analysis.
One possible definition uses a second moment;
that is,
is defined by
|  |
(2) |
The spectral bandwidth
is defined likewise.
With these definitions,
Dennis Gabor prepared a widely reproduced proof.
I will omit his proof here;
it is not an easy proof;
it is widely available;
and the definition
seems inappropriate
for a function we often use,
the sinc function, i.e., the FT of a step function.
Since the sinc function drops off as t-1,
its width
defined with
is infinity,
which is unlike the more human measure of width,
the distance to the first axis crossing.
Next: My rise-time proof of
Previous: The uncertainty principle in
Stanford Exploration Project