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Review of the paraxial wave equation

An equation was derived for paraxial waves. The assumption of a single plane wave means that the arrival time of the wave is given by a single-valued t(x,z). On a plane of constant z, such as the earth's surface, Snell's parameter p is measurable. It is  
{ \partial t \over \partial x } \ \ \eq \ 
{ \sin \, \theta \over v }\ \eq \ p\end{displaymath} (24)
In a borehole there is the constraint that measurements must be made at a constant x, where the relevant measurement from an upcoming wave would be  
{ \partial t \over \partial z } \ \ \eq \ 
-\ { \cos \, \the...
 ...} \ -\ 
\left( {\partial t \over \partial x} \ \right)^2 \ } \\ end{displaymath} (25)
Recall the time-shifting partial-differential equation and its solution U as some arbitrary functional form f:
{ \partial U \over \partial z } \ \ \ \ &=&\ \ \ \ - \ 
{ \part...
 ...ft( \ t \ -\ \int_0^z \ {\partial t \over \partial z} \ dz \right)\end{eqnarray} (26)
The partial derivatives in equation (26) are taken to be at constant x, just as is equation (25). After inserting (25) into (26) we have  
{ \partial U \over \partial z } \quad = \quad \sqrt{ {1 \ove...
 ... \partial x} \ \right)^2
 \ }\ { \partial U 
\over \partial t }\end{displaymath} (28)
Fourier transforming the wavefield over (x,t), we replace $ \partial / \partial t $ by $ -\,i \omega $.Likewise, for the traveling wave of the Fourier kernel $ \exp (-\,i \omega t \ +\ ik_x x )$,constant phase means that ${\partial t}/{\partial x} \,=\, k_x / \omega $.With this, (28) becomes  
{ \partial U \over \partial z } \ \eq \ - \, i \omega \ 
{1 \over v^2 } \ -\ { k_x^2 \over \omega^2} \ } \ U\end{displaymath} (29)
The solutions to (29) agree with those to the scalar wave equation unless v is a function of z, in which case the scalar wave equation has both upcoming and downgoing solutions, whereas (29) has only upcoming solutions. Chapter [*] taught us how to go into the lateral space domain by replacing i kx by $ \partial / \partial x $.The resulting equation is useful for superpositions of many local plane waves and for lateral velocity variations v(x).

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