Next: The substitution operator
Previous: Spatial scaling before migration
Exponential scaling functions have some ideal mathematical properties.
Take the Z-transform of a time function at:
| |
(9) |
The exponentially gained time function is defined by
| |
(10) |
The symbol denotes exponential gain.
Mathematically, means that Z is replaced by .Polynomial multiplication amounts to convolution of the coefficients:
| |
(11) |
By direct substitution,
| |
(12) |
This means that exponential gain can be done either before or after convolution.
You may recall from
Fourier transform theory that multiplication of a time function
by a decaying exponential is the equivalent
of replacing by in the transform domain.
Specialize the downward-continuation operator to
some fixed z and some fixed kx.
The operator has become a function of that may be expressed
in the time domain as a filter at.
Hyperbola flanks move
on migration.
So the filter is
This is denoted by
| |
(13) |
The large negative powers of Z are associated with the hyperbola flanks.
Exponentially boosting the coefficients of positive powers of Z
is associated with diminishing negative powers--so
is A with a weakened tail--and
tends to attenuate flanks rather than move them.
Thus may be described as viscous.
From a purely physical point of view cosmetic functions like gain
control and dip filtering should be done after processing, say, .But is equivalent to ((,and the latter operation amounts to using a viscous operator
on exponentially gained data.
In practice, it is common to
forget the viscosity and create A(.Perhaps this means that dipping events carry more information than flat ones.
Next: The substitution operator
Previous: Spatial scaling before migration
Stanford Exploration Project