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Class nstat.patch.WindowFactory


public class WindowFactory
extends Object
WindowFactory creates a Window operator for a given domain and/or range.
The factory ensures the consistency of the domain, range, and anchor specifications of the Window operator.

See Also:
Window, WindowTest, Patcher

Variable Index

 o fwd

Constructor Index

 o WindowFactory(RsfSpace, int[], int[])
 o WindowFactory(RsfSpace, RsfSpace)
if windSpace is not an exact subspace of wallSpace, this will create a Window operator where windSpace is a subspace of wallSpace (approximation).

Method Index

 o getAdjoint()
 o getForward()


 o fwd
 protected Window fwd


 o WindowFactory
 public WindowFactory(RsfSpace wallSpace,
                      int anchor[],
                      int windSz[])
wallSpace - the space of the Rsf from which a window is taken
anchor - the index into the wallSpace of the "smallest" vertex
windSz - the dimensions of the window
 o WindowFactory
 public WindowFactory(RsfSpace wallSpace,
                      RsfSpace windSpace)
if windSpace is not an exact subspace of wallSpace, this will create a Window operator where windSpace is a subspace of wallSpace (approximation). However, the Window operator methods do not check the spaces. This problem arises through limited precision with float values of the axes' increment, and offset.


 o getForward
 public Window getForward()
s the forward form of the windowing operator, truncation.
 o getAdjoint
 public Window getAdjoint()
s the adjoint form of the windowing operator, zero-padding.

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