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Class juice.solver.SimplexSolver


public class SimplexSolver
extends IterativeSlv
Simplex Solver.

Variable Index

 o simply
 o vertexList

Constructor Index

 o SimplexSolver(Iterator, Vector[])
 o SimplexSolver(Vector[])

Method Index

 o getApproximation()
A copy would be nicer: I have to loop over the entire data set.
 o solve(Operator, Vector, Vector)
Solves Ax = b for x
"Solve" is used in a loose sense.


 o vertexList
 protected Vector vertexList[]
 o simply
 protected Simplex simply


 o SimplexSolver
 public SimplexSolver(Vector basis[])
 o SimplexSolver
 public SimplexSolver(Iterator iterator,
                      Vector basis[])


 o getApproximation
 public Vector getApproximation()
A copy would be nicer: I have to loop over the entire data set. This would not happen if I had incorporated x into vertexList instead of copying it. Don't know how to do this though.

getApproximation in class IterativeSlv
 o solve
 public void solve(Operator A,
                   Vector b,
                   Vector x)
Solves Ax = b for x
"Solve" is used in a loose sense.

solve in class IterativeSlv

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