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Class ij.WindowManager


public class WindowManager
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o WindowManager()

Method Index

 o addWindow(ImageWindow)
 o closeAllWindows()
Closes all image windows.
 o getCurrentImage()
 o getCurrentWindow()
 o getWindowCount()
 o putBehind()
Activates the next window on the window list.
 o removeWindow(ImageWindow)
Closes the current window and removes it from the window list.
 o setCurrentWindow(ImageWindow)


 o WindowManager
 public WindowManager()


 o setCurrentWindow
 public static synchronized void setCurrentWindow(ImageWindow win)
 o getCurrentWindow
 public static ImageWindow getCurrentWindow()
 o getCurrentImage
 public static synchronized ImagePlus getCurrentImage()
 o getWindowCount
 public static int getWindowCount()
 o addWindow
 public static synchronized void addWindow(ImageWindow win)
 o removeWindow
 public static synchronized void removeWindow(ImageWindow win)
Closes the current window and removes it from the window list.

 o closeAllWindows
 public static synchronized void closeAllWindows()
Closes all image windows.

 o putBehind
 public static void putBehind()
Activates the next window on the window list.

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