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Class conv.convc.CcafFactory


public class CcafFactory
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o CcafFactory(Rsf)

Method Index

 o getCcafFromFilterSpace(RsfSpace)
This calculates the outputSpace from the filterSpace and input data, and returns the resulting ccaf operator.
 o getCcafFromOutputSpace(RsfSpace)
This should calculate the filterSpace from the outputSpace and input data, and return the resulting ccaf operator. Deprecated.


 o CcafFactory
 public CcafFactory(Rsf input)
input - Rsf of input data


 o getCcafFromOutputSpace
 public Ccaf getCcafFromOutputSpace(RsfSpace outputSpace)
Note: getCcafFromOutputSpace() is deprecated.

This should calculate the filterSpace from the outputSpace and input data, and return the resulting ccaf operator. But that is not possible for the Cutoff convolution since the output and input size are independent of the filter size. This method should be simply deleted.

outputSpace - the RsfSpace of the output of the ccaf operator
the ccaf operator corresponding to the input data and output space
 o getCcafFromFilterSpace
 public Ccaf getCcafFromFilterSpace(RsfSpace filterSpace)
This calculates the outputSpace from the filterSpace and input data, and returns the resulting ccaf operator.

filterSpace - the RsfSpace of the filter of the ccaf operator
the ccaf operator corresponding to the input data and filter space

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