Next: Separate-offset Prestack migration
Up: Time migration
Previous: Zero-offset phase-shift migration
To perform the phase-shift migration in the prestack domain, the zero-offset dispersion relation
must be replaced by the double-square-root (DSR) equation. An additional
Fourier transform over offset is also needed.
Constant velocity prestack migration, with output provided in two-way vertical time,
in offset-midpoint coordinates (Yilmaz, 1979) in given by:
|  |
(10) |
is the 3-D Fourier transform
of the field
recorded at the surface using:

, and
.In this paper, I will freely alternate between the half offset, h, and the full offset, X, in
representing the offset axis,
where X=2h. The phase factor
, for isotropic media, is defined in the
dispersion relation as
| ![\begin{displaymath}
{\tilde{p}_{\tau}(p_x,p_h)} \equiv
{ \frac{1}{2} (\left[1 -
...{1 \over 2}
+\left[1 -
v^2 (p_x-p_h)^2\right]^{1 \over 2}) },\end{displaymath}](img43.gif) |
(11) |
which is a normalized version of the double-square-root (DSR) equation.
The two integrals in
and kh in equation (10)
represent the imaging
condition for zero-offset and zero time (h=0,t=0).
Equation (10) with the proper values of ph and px
to avoid imaginary values of
(Popovici, 1993) can be used to
do prestack migration. To obtain real values of
satisfy the downward continuation ordinary differential
|  |
(12) |
px and ph must satisfy:

Both conditions are satisfied by insuring that
|  |
(13) |
The DSR migration can be put in a form to allow for separate
migration of each constant-offset section (Popovici, 1993).
For migration of a separate offset section,
, equation (10)
| ![\begin{displaymath}
{\int d\omega \int d k_h \; e^{i\omega ...
...{p}_{\tau}(p_x,p_h)\tau+ 2 p_h h_0]}
F(\omega,k_x,h_0,\tau=0)},\end{displaymath}](img50.gif) |
(14) |
where h0
is the half-offset of that section.
The kh integral can be evaluated using the stationary phase method.
As shown in Appendix A, the stationary point for isotropic homogeneous media is obtained by
finding the maximum (with respect to ph) of the following equation:
| ![\begin{displaymath}
T(p_h)= 0.5 \tau \left[ \;
\sqrt{1.0 - (p_x+p_h)^2} v^2 +
\sqrt{1.0 - (p_x-p_h)^2} v^2 \; \right] + 2 p_h h.\end{displaymath}](img51.gif) |
(15) |
Figure 1 shows T, with
given by equation (17),
as a function of ph for
px=0 (a horizontal reflector) and for px=0.2 (a dipping reflector). To insure that
remains real, ph in Figure 1 ranges
between 0 and
. Clearly, T in Figure 1
is multivalued; The first branch, corresponding to
lower T values, represents the case in which rays from both the source and receiver have angles less
than 90 degrees with the vertical (at the reflection point). The second branch corresponds
to rays from either the source or receiver being overturned at the reflection point. Although the second branch is not applicable to
homogeneous media (rays have always a 90-degree or less
angle with the vertical), it has important implications for
overturned rays in v(z) media. For large offsets and steep reflectors in a v(z) medium, the maximum
of T
(stationary point solution)
usually exists in the second branch (higher T values).
Notice the relatively small curvature that T experiences
near its maximum (the solution of the stationary phase problem). The curvature is even smaller for
the dipping reflector example. This is a key to obtaining good
analytical approximations in solving for ph. The insensitivity of T to ph around the solution
implies that even an imperfect ph can result in a good estimate of T. When all is said and done,
it is the accuracy of T, which describes the phase shift, that matters the most.
Figure 1 Left: the phase factor, T, as a function ph for a horizontal reflector (px=0).
Right: T as a function ph for a dipping reflector (px=0.2). The medium is isotropic
and homogeneous with v=2 km/s. The black curve corresponds to an
offset-to-vertical-time ratio (
) of 1.0 km/s,
the dark-gray curve corresponds to
=2.0 km/s, and the light gray curve corresponds to
=3.0 km/s.
For VTI media, T is slightly more complicated than its isotropic counterpart, and
is given by
| ![\begin{displaymath}
T(p_h) = 0.5 \tau \left[\sqrt{1-\frac{(p_x+p_h)^2 v^2}{1-2 \...
...c{(p_x-p_h)^2 v^2}{1-2 \eta v^2 (p_x-p_h)^2}} \right] + 2 p_h h\end{displaymath}](img54.gif) |
(16) |
Appendix B. Figure 2 shows T for a VTI medium with v=2 km/s and
=0.2, again for a horizontal reflector
(px=0) and a dipping one (px=0.2). Now, ph ranges between 0 and
, because
, where p is the ray parameter and
must be smaller or equal 1 to avoid evanescent waves. The conclusion regarding the curvature and its implications,
described in the isotropic case, holds here as well.
Figure 2 Same as in Figure 1, but for a VTI medium with
Next: Separate-offset Prestack migration
Up: Time migration
Previous: Zero-offset phase-shift migration
Stanford Exploration Project