An operator object images an input vector to an output vector when its image() method is invoked. Furthermore, an operator knows about its domain and range, which are vector space objects.
For example,
the linear NMO operator shifts a CMP gather's traces
according to a hyperbolic time-offset relationship.
An NMO input vector is an Rsf vector that contains the CMP gather.
The operator's output vector is a moved-out CMP gather.
The input and output space are identical except that
the first axis of the output lists move-out corrected time,
rather then true two-way traveltime, t.
Figure 1 shows a reproducible World Wide Web document that
invokes the Jag NMO operator.
The class fragment progNmo
an NMO operator's arithmetic core.
The apply method combines the operator's
forward and adjoint image operation in a
combined loop, just as we are used to doing it
at SEP. However, a programmer never invokes the apply method directly.
Instead, he invokes the image() method of an operator or its adjoint.
public void apply(boolean add, Vector in, Vector out) { Rsf2 x = (Rsf2) in; Rsf2 y = (Rsf2) out; int nx = ((RsfSpace) x.getSpace()).getNSamples(1); float dx = (((RsfSpace) x.getSpace()).getAxes()[1]).delta; float ox = (((RsfSpace) x.getSpace()).getAxes()[1]).offset; int nz = ((RsfSpace) x.getSpace()).getNSamples(0); float dz = (((RsfSpace) x.getSpace()).getAxes()[0]).delta; float oz = (((RsfSpace) x.getSpace()).getAxes()[0]).offset;float[][] yy = y.d; float[][] xx = x.d;
for (int ix=0; ix < nx ; ix++) { float xs = (ox + dx * ix) * 1f/vel ; for (int iz=0; iz < nz ; iz++) { float zs = oz + dz * iz; float ts = (float) Math.sqrt(zs * zs + xs * xs) + 1.e-20f; float wt = (float) (zs/ts * (1./Math.sqrt(ts))); int it = (int) (.5 + (ts - oz) / dz); if (it < nz) { if(isFwd) yy[ix][iz] += xx[ix][it] * wt; else xx[ix][it] += yy[ix][iz] * wt; } }} }
The NMO operator is often combined with the Stacking operator. The Stacking operator takes a 2-D Rsf object and sums element-wise over the second axis. The Stacking operator is linear, too, and its adjoint fills a 2-D Rsf with a copy of the adjoint's 1-D input Rsf.