SEP's make rules provide standard commands to create the various document versions. When within the SEP environment (at an SEP computer or on a SEP CD-ROM), go to any SEP document, type one of the following commands, and inspect the various results:
A reader or author may want to try some of these more experimental document commands:
The targets above can be applied to text source files with any name, as long as the name ends with the suffix .tex. For example, to create a Postscript version from a text source file named mytext.tex, you execute make
In general, the new LATEX2e macros are backward compatible. You should be able to process any old SEP LATEX file with the new SEP LATEX2e macros. The only known backward incompatibility is that the new activeplot macro always requires a width or height statement.
To ease the maintenance of reproducible documents, we improved the
communication between the document's makefile and its LATEX file.
Consequently, the author does not need to define the result directory
in the LATEX file (previously: \def
Instead, the new document processing system requests that information
from your makefile. Try processing an old SEP LATEX document after
removing the figdir statement.
A SEP LATEX2e document forces an author to supply a keyword list with
the help of the macro \keywords{}
The keyword list is printed below the list of authors and will help us
to index SEP documents in the future. We are planning to supply a set
of keywords that an author can choose from (e.g., the SEG keywords for
expanded abstracts.)
Finally, we added an enhanced clean rule, jdistclean, to our standard make rules. The distclean rule creates a minimal set of files: In addition to the intermediate files that are removed by the clean rule, it also removes all reproducible result files and any HTML directories.