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In this section, we imitate a miniature SEP research paper. At SEP, such a research paper not only includes an article with figures, equations, and references, but also a set of accompanying programs, input data, and makefiles. In its electronic form such a research document enables the reader to reproduce the results that the document presents Schwab et al. (1996).

The research document that we embedded for documentation purposes implements Normal Moveout, a standard seismic processing step. The equation that governs the Normal Moveout is a mapping from time t to zero-offset time t0

t^2 = t_0^2 + \frac{h^2}{V^2}\end{displaymath} (1)

where h is the offset and V the subsurface velocity. We copied the underlying program and the following result from Jon Claerbout 1991.

Figure 2
Marine data moved out with water velocity. Input on the left, output on the right. (After Jon Claerbout, 1991)
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If you have access to the electronic version of this article (online at SEP or on a SEP CD-ROM), we suggest you inspect the various output formats of this scientific mini article. Simply execute the commands described in the next section.


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Stanford Exploration Project