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Residual profile migration

In this experiment, I use the operators formulated in this paper to perform residual profile migration. Synthetic shot gathers are generated from a velocity model that contains a scatterer and a dipping reflector. Stacked sections in Figure 6 show that the operators can focus the image of the scatter and can migrate the distorted image of a dipping reflector to the correct positions. The amplitudes of the dipping reflector are obviously incorrect. This is because the operators come from kinematic considerations.

Figure 6
Synthetic examples. Six shot records are generated from the velocity model (a) by using a finite-difference algorithm. These profiles are stacked after: (b) migration with the correct velocity; (c) migration with a velocity of -10% error; (d) migration in (c) followed by the residual migration; (e) migration with the velocity of +10% error; (f) migration in (e) followed by the residual migration.

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Stanford Exploration Project