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Dipole Coordinates

One simplifying factor for an RWE approach is using a coordinate system that is (nearly) orthogonal, such as that developed from a potential field distribution Shragge (2006b). Accordingly, the coordinate system used in the following investigations is a (nearly) orthogonal mesh derived from the electrostatics potential field distribution, $\Phi$, of a dipole source formed by two static charges  
\Phi({\bf x}) = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{ (x-x_1)^2+\xi^2(z-z_1)^2}} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{ (x-x_2)^2+\xi^2 (z-z_2)^2}},\end{displaymath} (14)
where ${\bf x_1} =[x_1, z_1]$ and ${\bf x_2} =[x_2, z_2]$ are the locations of the two unitary-valued static charges, and $\xi$ is an ellipticity factor inducing a vertical stretch.

A dipolar coordinate system can be derived from equation 14 by computing the equipotential surfaces and associated field lines. Figure 3 illustrates this for a dipole of 4 km spacing and a $\xi$=1 ellipticity factor.

Figure 3
The coordinate system used in the forward modeling tests derived from the potential field and field lines of an electrostatic dipole.
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The potential field distribution nearby the singularities becomes nearly radially symmetric and mimics the shape of a wavefield emerging from a point source in a homogeneous medium. For simplicity, I force the initial extrapolation surface to be a circular arc that directly matches the point source wavefield. Although this introduces a slight non-orthogonality into an otherwise orthogonal mesh, this is taken into account by the RWE theory Shragge (2006a). In addition, I have situated the source point 50m below the free-surface in order to simulate ghost reflections commonly found in marine data. The forward modeled wavefield, $\Psi ({\bf s},{\bf r}; \omega) $, is thus generated by extracting from the wavefield the values at the receiver locations on the center line paralleling the free surface at the source depth.

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Stanford Exploration Project