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Differential 2-D Mesh Generation

Generating a 2-D coordinate system through differential methods requires solving for coordinates $\{x^1,x^2\}$ within domain X2. Incorporating l monitor functions for grid regularization expands the dimensionality of the mapping to,
\mathbf{x}(\mathbf{s}) \; : \; S^2 \rightarrow X^{2+l},\;\;\...
 ...hbf{s}) = \{ s^1,s^2,f^1(\mathbf{s}),..., f^l (\mathbf{s}) \}. \end{displaymath} (9)
Coordinate system $\{ s^j \}
$ is related to an underlying Cartesian grid, which is chosen to be a unit square defined by $\Xi^2 = \{0 \le
\xi^1,\xi^2 \le 1 \}$. Transformation $s^j(\xi^i)$ is assumed to be piece-wise smooth and known on the boundary of $\Xi^2$ such that: $
\phi ( \mathbf{\xi} ) \; : \; \partial \Xi^2 \rightarrow \partial S^2,
\quad \mathbf{\phi}=(\phi^1,\phi^2)$. Within this framework, the 2-D gridding equations become,
D^{\xi}[s^j] = - D^{\xi} [ f^k ] \frac{\partial f^k}{\partial s...
 ...l \Xi^2} = 
\mathbf{\phi}(\mathbf{\xi}), \quad j=1,2, \quad k=1,l,\end{eqnarray} (10)
where Laplacian operator $D^{\xi}[\cdot]$ and metric tensor gij are written explicitly Liseikin (2004),
D^{\xi}[v] = & g_{22}^{\xi} \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial \xi^1
 ...}(\mathbf{\xi})] }{\partial \xi^j}, 
\quad i,j,k=1,2, \quad m=1,l.\end{eqnarray} (11)

One convenient way to solve the set of elliptical equations 10 is by transforming them to a set of parabolic equations (i.e. include time-dependence) that have a common steady-state solution. Thus, equations 10 are reformulated to include time-dependence - $\{ s^i(\xi^1,\xi^2,t) \}$ - leading to the six governing equations,
\frac{ \partial s^1}{ \partial t} = D[s^1] + D[ f^k] \frac{\par...
 ...1,\xi^2), & t=0 \ 
s^2(\xi^1,\xi^2,0) = s^2_0(\xi^1,\xi^2), & t=0\end{eqnarray} (13)
Solutions $s^1 (\xi^1,\xi^2,t)$ and $s^2 (\xi^1,\xi^2,t)$ satisfying equations 13-18 will converge to the solutions $\{x^1,x^2\}$ of equations 10 as $t
\rightarrow \infty$. Hence, the answer to within tolerance factor $\epsilon$ occurs at some Tn. Details of an iterative scheme and an algorithm for computation to solve equations 13 are provided in Appendix A.

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