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Up: Shragge: Differential gridding methods
Previous: Regularization through Monitor Functions
Generating a 2-D coordinate system through differential methods requires
solving for coordinates within domain X2.
Incorporating l monitor functions for grid regularization expands
the dimensionality of the mapping to,
| |
(9) |
Coordinate system is related to an underlying Cartesian
grid, which is chosen to be a unit square defined by . Transformation is assumed to be
piece-wise smooth and known on the boundary of such that: .
Within this framework, the 2-D gridding equations become,
| |
(10) |
where Laplacian operator and metric tensor gij
are written explicitly Liseikin (2004),
| |
(11) |
| (12) |
One convenient way to solve the set of elliptical
equations 10 is by transforming them to a set of
parabolic equations (i.e. include time-dependence) that have a common
steady-state solution. Thus, equations 10 are
reformulated to include time-dependence - -
leading to the six governing equations,
| |
(13) |
| (14) |
| (15) |
| (16) |
| (17) |
| (18) |
Solutions and satisfying
equations 13-18 will converge to the
solutions of equations 10 as . Hence, the answer to within tolerance factor
occurs at some Tn. Details of an iterative scheme and an
algorithm for computation to solve equations 13 are
provided in Appendix A.
Next: Numerical Examples
Up: Shragge: Differential gridding methods
Previous: Regularization through Monitor Functions
Stanford Exploration Project