Up: Alvarez: Multiples in image
Previous: Discussion
Non-diffracted water-bottom multiples, whether from a flat or dipping
water-bottom, map to zero or negative subsurface offsets when migrated with
the velocity of the sediments
. On the other hand,
primaries migrated
with slower velocities map to positive subsurface offsets. It may be possible
to exploit this fact to attenuate these multiples.
Diffracted water-bottom multiples, in contrast, map to both positive and
negative subsurface offsets depending on the relative position of the
CMP and the diffractor. To attenuate these multiples we need an accurate
representation of their residual moveouts in either SODCIGs or ADCIGs as
presented here to design a suitable Radon transform that focuses these multiples
to predictable locations in the Radon domain. This is the subject of ongoing
Up: Alvarez: Multiples in image
Previous: Discussion
Stanford Exploration Project