Next: Numerical Examples
Up: Theory
Previous: Generating Potential Functions
The next processing step involves tracing geometric coordinate system
rays from the generated PF. The goal here is
to develop an orthogonal, ray-based coordinate system related to an
underlying Cartesian mesh through one-to-one mappings,
| |
| (7) |
| |
where is the wavefield extrapolation direction (equivalent
to z in Cartesian), and are the two orthogonal
directions (equivalent to x and y in Cartesian), and J is the
Jacobian of the coordinate system transformation. Recorded wavefield,
, is extrapolated from the acquisition surface
defined by into the subsurface along the rays coordinate system
defined by triplet .
Geometric rays are traced by solving a first-order ordinary
differential equation through integrating the PF gradient field
along the gradient direction,
| |
(8) |
where a(z0,x0,y0) is a known lower integration bound at
equipotential , and b(z1,x1,y1) is an unknown upper
integration bound located on equipotential surface, , and
is the L2 norm of the gradient function.
The only unknown parameter is b(z1,x1,y1);
hence, Equation (8) is an integral equation with an
unknown integration bound. This approach is similar to phase-ray
tracing method described in Shragge and Sava (2004b); however,
in this case the integration step lengths are now unknown. Note also
that the equipotentials of the upper and lower bounding surfaces in
Equation (4) require PF steps of .
The following approach locates unknown integration bound, b, on the
next equipotential:
- 1.
- Numerically integrate Equation (8) on the interval
[] where is smaller than the expected step
size, and test to see whether ; if yes goto step 3;
- 2.
- Numerically integrate Equation (8) on next interval
and test whether ; if yes goto step 3; if no, repeat step 2 n
times until true;
- 3.
- Linearly interpolate between points and
to find the b corresponding to .
A geometric ray is initiated at a particular
on acquisition surface defined by , and computed by
integrating through each successive step until the lower
bounding surface is reached. This procedure is repeated for
all and acquisition points.
Next: Numerical Examples
Up: Theory
Previous: Generating Potential Functions
Stanford Exploration Project