Next: Discussion and Conclusions
Up: Example
Previous: Image Space
To compare the results of multiple elimination in the data space directly to the multiple
elimination in the image space, we transformed our data-space substraction results
into the image space.
compares the same angle-domain common-image gathers for
multiple removal in the data space and in the image space. The figure shows, from
top to bottom: A) the migrated multiples model; B) the result of adaptive subtraction done
in the data space, after migration; C) the result of adaptive subtraction done in
the image space; and D) the migrated data set.
We observe that the multiples eliminated in the data space are also eliminated in the
image space. However, some multiples were eliminated better in the image space, as, for example, the
strong multiple at around 2800 m.
compares the stack of the
data space and image space results: from top to bottom, we have: A) the migration stack of the
primaries obtained from the adaptive subtraction in the image space; B) the migration stack of
the primaries obtained from the adaptive subtraction in the data space; and
C) the migration stack of the original data set.
compares the stack of migrated multiples models. From
top to bottom, we have: A) the migrated multiple model; B) the estimated multiple section
from the processing in the data space; and C) the estimated multiple section from
the processing in the image space.
Figure 5 Comparison between multiple removal in
the data space versus the image space. From top to
bottom: A) Migrated multiple model; B) Primaries from the data space;
C) Primaries from the image space; D) Migrated data.
Figure 6 Comparison between multiple removal in
the data space versus the image space. From top to
bottom: A) Migrated stack of primaries from the image space processing; B) Migrated
stack of the primaries from the data space processing; and
C) Migrated stack of the entire data set.
Figure 7 Comparison between multiple removal in
the data space versus the image space. From top to
bottom: A) Migrated stack of the multiple model; B) Estimated multiple section
from the data space processing; and
C) Estimated multiple section from the image space processing.
Next: Discussion and Conclusions
Up: Example
Previous: Image Space
Stanford Exploration Project