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Previous: Multiples model
We first applied adaptive subtraction to the Mahogany data set in data space.
Since the water bottom is fairly shallow (approx. 118 m), the
water-bottom multiples are the most dominant multiples in the data set.
shows one CMP,
between 2 s and 4 s. This figure shows, from top to bottom:
A) the multiple model; B) the result of the adaptive subtraction, the
estimated primaries; C) the filter obtained with the multiples model for performing
the subtraction; and D) the original data set.
Many multiples were totally eliminated, while others
where partially eliminated. The results are comparable throughout the data set.
The shallow multiples, while they were partially eliminated, still retain some energy.
As we will see in the next sections, this remaining energy will still
interfere with an otherwise accurate final image.
Figure 3 Data space multiple removal. From top to
bottom: A) multiple model; B) Primaries; C) Filter; D) Data.
Next: Image Space
Up: Example
Previous: Multiples model
Stanford Exploration Project