Next: Double-Porosity Transport
Previous: Reduction to an Effective
The constants aij are all real and
correspond to the high-frequency response for which no internal fluid-pressure
relaxation can take place. They are given exactly as (Pride and
Berryman, 2003a)
|  |
(14) |
| (15) |
| (16) |
| (17) |
| (18) |
| (19) |
where the Qi are auxiliary constants given by
|  |
(20) |
Here, v1 and v2 are the volume fractions of each phase within
an averaging volume of the composite. The one constant that has not
yet been defined is the overall drained modulus K=1/a11 of the
two-phase composite (the modulus defined in the quasi-static limit
where the local fluid pressure throughout the composite
is everywhere unchanged).
It is through K that the aij potentially
depend on the mesoscopic geometry of the two porous phases. However,
a reasonable modeling choice when phase 2 is embedded within
phase 1 is to simply take the geometry-independent
harmonic mean 1/K = v1/Kd1 + v2/Kd2. Although this choice
actually violates the Hashin-Shitrikman bounds
(Hashin and Shtrikman, 1961) for truly isotropic
media, it is nevertheless a reasonable choice for earth systems
where the assumed isotropy is itself an approximation.
This choice is also a particularly convenient one
because it results in Q1=Q2=1 as well as a23=0.
All dependence on the fluid's bulk modulus
is contained within the two
Skempton's coefficients B1 and B2 and is thus restricted to
a22 and a33. In the quasi-static limit
(fluid pressure everywhere uniform throughout the composite),
equations (12) and (13)
reduce to the known exact results of Berryman and Milton (1991)
once equations (14)-(19) are employed.
Next: Double-Porosity Transport
Previous: Reduction to an Effective
Stanford Exploration Project