In the double-porosity model, the goal is
to determine the average fluid response in each of the porous
phases in addition to the average displacement of the solid grains
(Berryman and Wang, 1995; 2000).
The averages are taken over regions large enough
to significantly represent both porous phases, but smaller than
wavelengths. Assuming an time dependence,
Pride and Berryman (2003a)
have found the volume averaged local laws
(1)-(4) in order to obtain
the macroscopic ``double-porosity'' governing equations in the form
![]() |
(6) | |
(7) | ||
(8) | ||
(9) | ||
(10) |
Equation (7) is the generalized Darcy law allowing for fluid cross-coupling
between the phases [c.f., Pride and Berryman (2003b)],
equation (8) is the generalized compressibility law where corresponds to fluid that has been depleted from phase i
due to transfer across the external surface of an averaging volume,
and equation (9) is the transport law for internal mesoscopic flow (fluid transfer
between the two porous phases).
The coefficients in these equations have been modeled by
Pride and Berryman (2003a,b).
Before presenting these results, the nature of the
waves implicitly contained in these laws is briefly commented upon.
If plane-wave solutions for ,
are introduced,
there is found to be a single transverse wave, and three
longtitudinal responses: a fast wave and two slow waves
(Berryman and Wang, 2000).
The fast wave is the usual P-wave identified on seismograms,
while the two slow waves correspond to fluid-pressure diffusion
in phases 1 and 2. The only problem with analyzing the fast compressional wave in
this manner is that the characteristic equation for the longtitudinal slowness s
is cubic in s2 and, therefore, analytically inconvenient.