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Numerical comparison

The Amoco 2.5-D synthetic dataset Dellinger et al. (2000); Etgen and Regone (1998) provides an excellent test for the weighting functions discussed above.

The velocity model (Figure [*]) contains significant structural complexity in the upper 3.8 km, and a flat reflector of uniform amplitude at about 3.9 km depth. Since the entire velocity model (``Canadian foothills overthrusting onto the North Sea'') is somewhat pathological, I restricted my experiments to the North Sea section of the dataset (x>10 km). The data were generated by 3-D acoustic finite-difference modeling of the 2.5-D velocity model. However, making the test more difficult is the fact that the FFD one-way recursive extrapolators Ristow and Ruhl (1994) that I use for modeling and migration do not accurately predict the 3-D geometric spreading and multiple reflections that are present in this dataset. Figure [*] illustrates this by comparing a gather produced by full two-way 3-D acoustic finite-differences with a gather modeled with the one-way depth extrapolation algorithm.

Figure 1
Velocity (in km/s) model used to generate the synthetic Amoco 2.5-D dataset.
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Figure 2
Synthetic shot-gathers from the Amoco 2.5-D dataset (sx=18.2 km). Panel (a) shows the gather generated by full two-way finite-difference modeling. Panel (b) shows the gather generated by linear one-way modeling. Panel (c) shows the same two-way equation gather as panel (a) but with a top-mute to enable easier comparison with panel (b).
[*] view burn build edit restore

Figure [*] compares the migrated image (${\bf m}_1$)with the results of remodeling and remigrating the three reference images described above. The imprint of the recording geometry is clearly visible on the three remigrations in Figures [*] (b-d).

Figure 3
Comparison of calibration images: (a) original migration, (b) original migration after modeling and migration, (c) random image after modeling and migration, and (d) flat event image after modeling and migration.
[*] view burn build edit restore

Figure [*] compares the illumination calculated from the three reference images with the shot illumination from section [*]. Noticeably, the shot-only weighting function [panel (a)] does not take into account the off-end (as opposed to split-spread) receiver geometry. Panel (b), the weighting function derived from model ${\bf m}_1$, appears slightly noisy. However, in well-imaged areas (e.g. along the target reflector), the weighting function is well-behaved. Panel (c) shows the weighting function derived from the random reference image (${\bf m}_2$). Despite the smoothing, this weighting function clearly bears the stamp of the random number field. A feature of white noise is that no amount of smoothing will be able to completely remove the effect of the random numbers. The final panel (d) shows the flat-event illumination weighting function, derived from ${\bf m}_3$. This is noise-free and very well-behaved since it depends only on the velocity model and recording geometry, not the data.

Figure 4
Comparison of weighting functions: (a) shot illumination as described in Chapter [*], (b) reference model was migrated image, (c) reference model was random image, and (d) reference model consisted of purely flat events.
[*] view burn build edit restore

For a quantitative comparison, I picked the maximum amplitude of the 3.9 s reflection event on the calibrated images. The normalized standard deviation (NSD) of these amplitudes is shown in Table [*], where
\mbox{NSD} = 
\sqrt{ \sum_{i_x} \left( \frac{a_{i_x}}{\bar a} - 1 \right )^2}.\end{displaymath} (97)
Table [*], therefore, provides a measure of how well the various weighting function compensate for illumination difficulties. The amplitudes of the raw migration, and the migration after flat-event normalization are shown in Figure [*]. This illustrates the numerical results from Table [*]: for this model the normalization procedure improves amplitude reliability by almost a factor of two.

Table 7.1: Comparison of the reflector strength for different choices of illumination-based weighting function.
2||c|Weighting function: Normalized standard deviation:  
2||c|No weighting function 0.229  
2||c|Shot illumination 0.251  
${\bf m}_{\rm ref}={\bf m}_1$ (migrated image) 0.145
${\bf m}_{\rm ref}={\bf m}_2$ (random image) 0.195
${\bf m}_{\rm ref}={\bf m}_3$ (flat events) 0.140
2||c|Four iterations of CG 0.157  

Figure 5
Normalized peak amplitude of 3.9 km reflector after migration (solid line), and then normalization by flat-event illumination (dashed-line). The ideal result would be a constant amplitude of 1.
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To compare the results of a well-scaled adjoint with full L2 Fourier finite-difference migration, I ran 10 iterations of full conjugate gradients, using Paul Sava's out-of-core optimization library Sava (2001). Figure [*] shows images after four and ten iterations. I did not impose an explicit regularization (``model-styling'') term during the inversion, so as the solution evolves less well-constrained components of the model-space start to appear in the solution, including both low and high frequency noise and steeply-dipping energy. This causes the NSD to actually begin to increase after the fourth iteration (see Figure [*]).

Figure 6
Results of full L2 inversion of the Amoco 2.5-D dataset with FFD modeling/migration. Panel (a) shows results after four iterations, and panel (b) shows results after ten iterations.
[*] view burn build edit restore

Figure 7
Normalized standard deviation of flat reflector versus iteration number. After four iterations the noise-level causes degradation of amplitude reliability.
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