Next: Spectral factorization of linear
Up: Applications of multi-dimensional spectral
Previous: Spectral factorization of seismic
In the second part, I use multidimensional spectral factorization
to facilitate solving multidimensional partial differential
equations (PDEs) with application to exploration seismology.
As an illustration of the methodology, in
, I show how the Helmholtz operator can be
factored into two filters, which then can used to propagate waves.
With more practical interests in mind, in Chapter
I apply the methodology to the problem of implicit finite-difference
modeling and migration by wavefield extrapolation.
describes how the method can be applied in
areas where the velocity varies laterally.
Next: Spectral factorization of linear
Up: Applications of multi-dimensional spectral
Previous: Spectral factorization of seismic
Stanford Exploration Project