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Exploding-reflector modeling by upward continuation

The adjoint[*] of exploding-reflector migration is exploding-reflector modeling: if we can migrate exploding-reflector data with
\hat{\bf m} & = & {\bf A}'_{\rm ER} \; 
\; {\bf d} \nonumber \\...
 ...\Sigma}_{\omega} \; {\bf D}^{-1} \; {\bf Z}_{N_\omega}
\; {\bf d},\end{eqnarray}
then we should be able to forward model synthetic data with
\hat{\bf d} & = & {\bf A}_{\rm ER} \; 
\; {\bf m} \nonumber 
 ..._\omega} \; ({\bf D}')^{-1} \; 
{\bf \Sigma}_{\omega}' \; {\bf m}.\end{eqnarray}
A close look at the composite operator reveals that the first step is to apply ${\bf \Sigma}_{\omega}'$, which sprays the reflectivity model out to each frequency. The second step is to apply $({\bf D}')^{-1}$ which recursively marches the wavefield up through the earth. The final step is to truncate the data at the surface with the ${\bf Z}'_{N_\omega}$operator.

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Stanford Exploration Project