Next: Slope estimation
Up: Regularizing local plane waves
Previous: Regularizing local plane waves
Following the physical model of local plane waves, we can define the
mathematical basis of the plane-wave destructor filters as the local
plane differential equation
|  |
(98) |
where P(t,x) is the wave field, and
is the local slope, which may
also depend on t and x. In the case of a constant slope,
equation (
) has the simple general solution
|  |
(99) |
where f(t) is an arbitrary waveform. Equation (
) is
nothing more than a mathematical description of a plane wave.
If the slope
does not depend on t, we can transform
equation (
) to the frequency domain, where it takes the
form of the ordinary differential equation
|  |
(100) |
and has the general solution
|  |
(101) |
is the Fourier transform of P. The complex
exponential term in equation (
) simply represents a shift
of a t-trace according to the slope
and the trace separation
In the frequency domain, the operator for transforming the trace
at position x-1 to the neighboring trace at position x is a
multiplication by
. In other words, a plane wave
can be perfectly predicted by a two-term prediction-error filter in
the F-X domain:
|  |
(102) |
where a0 = 1 and
. The goal of
predicting several plane waves can be accomplished by cascading
several two-term filters. In fact, any F-X prediction-error
filter represented in the Z-transform notation as
|  |
(103) |
can be factored into a product of two-term filters:
|  |
(104) |
are the zeroes of
polynomial (
). According to equation (
the phase of each zero corresponds to the slope of a local plane wave
multiplied by the frequency. Zeroes that are not on the unit circle
carry an additional amplitude gain not included in
equation (
In order to incorporate time-varying slopes, we need to return to
the time domain and look for an appropriate analog of the phase-shift
operator (
) and the plane-prediction
filter (
). An important property of plane-wave
propagation across different traces is that the total energy of the
transmitted wave stays invariant throughout the process. This property
is assured in the frequency-domain solution (
) by the fact
that the spectrum of the complex exponential
equal to one. In the time domain, we can reach an equivalent effect
by using an all-pass digital filter. In the Z-transform notation,
convolution with an all-pass filter takes the form
|  |
(105) |
denotes the Z-transform of the corresponding
trace, and the ratio B(Zt)/B(1/Zt) is an all-pass digital filter
approximating the time-shift operator (
). In
finite-difference terms, equation (
) represents an
implicit finite-difference scheme for solving equation (
with the initial conditions at a constant x. The coefficients of
filter B(Zt) can be determined, for example, by fitting the filter
frequency response at small frequencies to the response of the
phase-shift operator. The Taylor series technique (equating the
coefficients of the Taylor series expansion around zero frequency)
yields the expression
|  |
(106) |
for a three-point centered filter B3(Zt) and the expression
|  |
| |
| (107) |
for a five-point centered filter B5(Zt). It is easy to generalize
these expressions to longer filters.
shows the
phase of the all-pass filters B3(Zt)/B3(1/Zt) and
B5(Zt)/B5(1/Zt) for two values of the slope
comparison with the exact linear function of equation (
As expected, the phases match the exact line at low frequencies, and
the accuracy of the approximation increases with the length of the
Figure 9 Phase of the implicit
finite-difference shift operators in comparison with the exact
solution. The left plot corresponds to
, the right plot
In two dimensions, equation (
) transforms to the
prediction equation analogous to (
) with the 2-D
prediction filter
|  |
(108) |
In order to characterize several plane waves, we can cascade several
filters of the form (
) in a manner similar to that of
equation (
). In the examples of this chapter, I use a
modified version of the filter A(Zt,Zx), namely the filter
|  |
(109) |
which avoids the need for polynomial division. In case of the 3-point
filter (
), the 2-D filter (
) has exactly
six coefficients, with the second t column being a reversed copy of
the first column. When filter (
) is used in data
regularization problems, it can occasionally cause undesired
high-frequency oscillations in the solution, resulting from the
near-Nyquist zeroes of the polynomial B(Zt). The oscillations are
easily removed in practice with appropriate low-pass filtering.
In the next subsection, I address the problem of estimating the local
with filters having form (
). Estimating
the slope is a necessary step for applying the finite-difference
plane-wave filters on real data.
Next: Slope estimation
Up: Regularizing local plane waves
Previous: Regularizing local plane waves
Stanford Exploration Project