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Newton's iteration for square roots

Let g(a)=s-f(a) be the function whose roots we seek to find, where f(a) is an arbitrary function and s is a constant. If we find the roots of g(a)=0, then we also have found the roots of f(a)=s. Newton's iteration for g(a)=0 can be written as g(at)=-g'(at)(at+1-at), or

s-f(at)=f'(at)(at+1-at) (1)

If we now consider f(a)=a2, then we can write (1) as:

s-at2=2at(at+1-at) (2)

which gives Newton's iterative procedure for finding square roots  
a_{t+1} = {1\over 2} \left( a_t + {s\over a_t} \right).\end{displaymath} (3)

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