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GOON style operators

Below is an example of a 2-D linear interpolation operator. The linear interpolation subroutine requires: In the old Fortran77-style operators, this information would be passed with every instance of applying the operator. In GOON a standard interface is necessary, as a result other information must be set at the initialization stage, and saved for use during operator execution. As a result GOON operators need to be written in modules:
module linear_interp2d_mod
  use sep_f90_lib_mod              !allows access to sepf90 library
  use sep_adjnull_mod	             !sep90 style adjnull
!useful hold values
  real,save,private,pointer,dimension(:) :: dat_vec
  real,save,private,pointer,dimension(:,:) :: mod_vec
  real,save,private,pointer,dimension(:) :: f1,f2,g1,g2
  integer,save,private,pointer,dimension(:) :: ix,iy
  integer :: ntr

To set up the operator we need to do some initialization, related to the C++ concept of instances.

subroutine interp2dinitn(model,data,key1_in,key2_in){
  type(sep_90),pointer  ::data,model
  real,pointer,dimension(:) :: sx,sy
  integer,save,private         :: n2,n3
  real,save,private  :: o2,d2,o3,d3
  real ::tempr
  integer temp_int

	!Try to find keys 

  o2=model%o(2);d2=model%d(2) ;n2=model%n(2)  !set up some useful variables
  o3=model%o(3); d3=model%d(3);n3=model%n(3)  !for operator

  nullify(mod_vec,dat_vec,sx,sy)  !nullify pointer arrays
  !Get sx and sy values
  call get_key_values(data,key1,sx); call get_key_values(data,key2,sy)

  !allocate arrays that describe irregular data's position on regular grid

	#set up 
  do i2=1,ntr{
    tempr=sx(i2) - o2 /d2;temp_int=floor(tempr);ix(i2)= 1+temp_int
      if(ix(i2) > 0 && ix(i2) < n2) {
        f1(i2)= tempr-temp_int
        tempr=sy(i2) - o3)/d3  ;temp_int=floor(tempr) ;iy(i2)= 1+temp_int
        if(iy(i2) > 0 && iy(i2) < n3)  f2(i2)= tempr-temp_int;g2(i2)=1.- f2(i2)
				else f2(i2)=0.  }
			else f1(i2)=0.0
	g1=1.-f1; g2=1.-f2
Finally there is the operator that actually performs the linear interpolation.

subroutine linear_interp2d(adj,model,data){ !their is no concept of add in
  logical,intent(in) :: adj
  type(sep_90),pointer :: model,data
  integer :: i2
  call sep_adjnull(adj,model,data)  !call  a sep90 version of adjnull
  !transfer from a sep90 dataset into regular arrays
  call get_trace_slice(model,mod_vec);call get_trace_vector(data,dat_vec)
  do i2=1,ntr{
    if(.not. adj )
      dat_vec(i2)=dat_vec(i2) + g2(i2) *g1(i2) *mod_vec(ix(i2),iy(i2)) + 
      f1(i2) * g2(i2) * mod_vec(ix(i2)+1,iy(i2)) + g2(i2) * f2(i2) * 
      mod_vec(ix(i2),iy(i2)+1) + f1(i2) * f2(i2) * mod_vec(ix(i2)+1,iy(i2)+1)
      mod_vec(ix(i2),iy(i2))=mod_vec(ix(i2),iy(i2)) + 
                             dat_vec(i2) * g2(i2) *g1(i2)
      mod_vec(ix(i2)+1,iy(i2))=mod_vec(ix(i2)+1,iy(i2)) + 
                             dat_vec(i2) * g2(i2) *f1(i2)
      mod_vec(ix(i2),iy(i2)+1)=mod_vec(ix(i2),iy(i2)+1) + 
                             dat_vec(i2) * f2(i2) *g1(i2)
      mod_vec(ix(i2)+1,iy(i2)+1)=mod_vec(ix(i2)+1,iy(i2)+1) + 
                             dat_vec(i2) * f2(i2) *f1(i2)
	!Put data back into septype
	call put_trace_slice(model,mod_vec);call put_trace_vector(data,dat_vec)

Figure 2
Left plot shows input sample locations, right plot shows the result of using the interpolation operator.
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The program interp.r90 executes a single adjoint operation of the linear_interp2d operator above. Note the construction of the regular space, the initialization of the sep_90 variables, and the application of the adjoint through the standard operator interface.

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