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After calling init_traces all of the members of the trace structure are set to the zero trace. The allocate_traces routine allows allocating of portions, or the entire trace array structure (see Figure 3).

Figure 3
Diagrammatic representation of allocate_trace. Grey circles represent grid cells where the trace is still associated with the zero_tr.

The subroutine defaults to allocating the entire trace structure, but portions of the traces array can be allocated through several ways using optional parameters:

Name Format Description
sepdata sep_type The name of the dataset.
fwind integer array Optional, first location along given access to
    start allocating traces.
jwind integer array Optional, skip factor when allocating traces.
nwind integer array Optional, number of traces to allocate along
    each axis.
tr_num integer array (dim=1) Optional, array which indicates whether or not
    to allocate a given trace.

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Stanford Exploration Project