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The low frequency-high frequency transition

What can we consider a low frequency and what a high frequency? The preceding little study of diffracted waves suggests that we have the low-frequency case as soon as the diffracted spherical wave and the transmitted plane wave interfere constructively. In terms of distances, this condition can be written as  
\left\vert d_s - d_p \right\vert < \frac{\lambda}{4} ,\end{displaymath} (5)
where $\lambda$ is the wavelength of the waves, and ds and dp are the distances traveled by the spherical and planar waves, respectively, during a time t. The expression of ds is given by equation (4), and the distance dp is simply

dp = t vw . (6)

Then the condition (5) becomes  
2r \left\vert 1 - \frac{v_w}{v_g} \right\vert < \frac{\lambda}{4} .\end{displaymath} (7)
Finally, substituting $\lambda f = v_w$ into the latter equation, we obtain the following low-frequency condition:  
f < \frac{v_w}{8r} \left\vert 1 - \frac{v_w}{v_g} \right\vert .\end{displaymath} (8)

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Stanford Exploration Project